Corona vaccine: greater health hazard than the illness itself? |
3 years ago
⁣According to media reports, a novel corona vaccine is about to be approved and thus applied to hu-mans. In Germany, several thousand people per day are to be vaccinated in planned corona vaccina-tion centers. But what is praised as a "historical breakthrough" by the pharmaceutical industry must be critically questioned! - ⁣

⁣According to media reports, a novel corona vaccine is about to be approved and thus applied to hu-mans. In Germany, several thousand people per day are to be vaccinated in planned corona vaccina-tion centers. But what is praised as a "historical breakthrough" by the pharmaceutical industry must be critically questioned! Watch the following moving broadcast: "Corona vaccine: greater health hazard than the illness itself?

Funds in the billions are currently being invested in the development of a corona vaccine, or more precisely SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. Parallel work is being done on various vaccines. The first vaccines are already being tested on humans. According to the Frankfurter Allgemeine, the first vaccines are to be launched on the market in India in August. [1]
However, SARS vaccines, such as the corona vaccine, are undisputedly dangerous and in animal experiments have led to many fatal outcomes from inflammatory foci in the lungs and to overreac-tions of the immune system [2].
Nevertheless, in the case of the current corona vaccine, an extreme and dangerous shortening of the test phase is carried out. [3] Vaccine trials are currently being approved "without the usual amount of pre-clinical safety toxicity data being available for guidance," says virologist Dr. Kevin Gilligan, senior consultant at Biologics Consulting. It usually takes about ten years before a new vaccine is approved. And we are now facing vaccines that are expected to be on the market within months.

The announcement that these vaccines will then be used on 7 billion people makes one sit up and take notice! Moreover, the vaccination procedure will probably be carried out not only in Europe but worldwide under direct or indirect vaccination compulsion, which could sustainably harm or even kill more people than the disease Covid-19 ever could. A too gloomy prognosis?

Let's take a look at what is being discussed in research on these vaccines, but which is concealed from us by the public media and largely ignored by politicians:

The President of the German Society of Immunology, Prof. Dr. Thomas Kamradt, said: "Especially with corona viruses it seems to be relatively difficult to develop vaccines against them. [...] animals, which received the vaccine, [...] (developed) pathological changes in the lung (and) inflammatory cells [...], which did not belong there. It must be very carefully ruled out that anything would hap-pen if a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 were to be developed now". [4]
How did Prof. Dr. Kamradt come to express such concern?
There are indeed several worrying phenomena in the vaccine studies on SARS-CoV-2 that are trig-gered by these vaccines. Two of them are called VAERD and ADE.
VAERD (*Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Respiratory Disease) is a phenomenon that manifests itself in a dangerous pneumonia triggered by the vaccine. This phenomenon occurs mainly with vaccines based on conventional methods, but cannot be excluded with the new mRNA vaccines either. [5]
ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement) is a vaccine-triggered production of non-specific anti-bodies that do not fight the virus, but rather promote the uptake of the virus into the cells and thus even aggravate the disease.
According to virologist Dr. Gilligan, ADE is "a real problem" and he recommends thorough safety studies. "If [...] a vaccine is widely available that amplifies the disease, it would be worse than not having a vaccination at all. [6]
In the past, vaccines had to be repeatedly withdrawn from the market due to devastating side ef-fects: For example in a vaccine study from the 1960s. 80 % of infants and toddlers immunized against RSV (* Respiratory Syncytial Virus, an RNA virus) were hospitalized and 2 children died. 6] Some other vaccines have been withdrawn from the market after their introduction because of the strong side effects, such as a pneumococcal vaccine, which killed several children in Japan, or a ro-tavirus vaccine in the USA. [7]
Nevertheless, some researchers recommend an "aggressive approach" in vaccine development with-out regard to ADE, VAERD and other risks such as nerve damage or Guillain-Barré syndrome as known vaccine side effects.

But now to the novel mRNA vaccines, which are currently heavily promoted in connection with corona vaccine development. They seem to be easier to produce, better storable and with fewer ad-ditives.
But: So far, there is not a single mRNA vaccine approved for humans on the market. There is a com-plete lack of clinical experience with this vaccine, which is intended to modify the human genome, i.e. genetically manipulate the human being. The extent to which the injected RNA frequency will be transcribed into DNA and can be incorporated forever into the human genetic material is still being discussed in research circles.
Almost nothing is therefore known about the effect of this novel vaccine on humans and certainly nothing about the long-term consequences.
ADE and another life-threatening phenomenon must also be assumed for mRNA vaccines, a so-called cytokine storm, a derailment of the immune system. Both phenomena lead to the fact that when infected with SARS-CoV-2 the disease progresses even worse than it normally does [8].
There is also evidence that such a vaccine triggers autoimmune diseases. An increased tendency to embolisms has also been observed. This leads to dangerous blood clots, which can cause pulmonary embolisms, heart attacks and strokes. And against other viral diseases a reduced resistance has been observed. [9]

Conclusion: Since 80 % of people infected with corona are only very slightly clinically ill, we must, according to Prof. Kamradt, "[...] be very sure that a vaccine does not have any harmful side ef-fects." Because harmful side effects could cause more deaths than the disease itself.
If a vaccine is brought onto the market without years of usual testing, Prof. Dr. Stefan Hockertz, a renowned pharmacologist and toxicologist, reckons with 4 million vaccination victims and 80,000 deaths in Germany alone due to this grossly negligent vaccination strategy. [10]


Artikel von Dörte Donker: „Illegale Biowaffenforschung in den USA“ in längerer Version veröffentlicht am 21. Juni 2020 unter:

[1] Indien will im August mit Corona-Impfung beginnen

[2] Gefährliche Überreaktionen und tödliche Ausgänge:
An Evidence Based Perspective on mRNA-SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Development

The spike protein of SARS-CoV — a target for vaccine and therapeutic development

[3] Drosten: „Wir brauchen Abkürzungen bei der Impfstoffzulassung”

[4] Zitat von Gabor Steingart: Der Podcast 14.04.2020
„Demokratien behaupten sich“ – 00:22:45 Interview mit Prof. Thomas Kamradt


[6] ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement)

[7] Japan stoppt Impfstoffe von Pfizer und Sanofi

Rotavirusinfektionen: Impfstoff jetzt vom Markt genommen

[8] mRNA Vaccines: Possible Tools to Combat SARS-CoV-2

[9] COVID-19 Vaccines: A Race Against Time in the Middle of Death and Devastation!

mRNA vaccines — a new era in vaccinology

[10] Bewegung Leipzig: Corona News - welche nicht so leicht zu finden sind - Leipzig Marktplatz

Coronavirus vaccine developers wary of errant antibodies
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