Update Huig Plug(whistleblower) sentenced 29 days in jail for defending sexual abused children
2 years ago
Update Huig Plug ⁣https://www.bitchute.com/video/jG0gbsij6hY4/ Ask for English translation!
⁣To send Huig a Card or letter (remember that everything is read)

Huig Plug reg.nr 11913598
De Karelskamp
Bornsestraat 333
7601PB Almelo

Here is another link regarding the Dutch Pedophile Network⁣
On 24 November, Huig Plug stood before the judge in The Hague, after he posted a tweet on 2 November with the text 'no #pressconference? Sorry folks! The press conference will not take place', which was interpreted as a threat. Djamile le Pair was present at the trial and told via https://twitter.com/potkaars (judge's opinion) what was said in the room.
Huig Plug was sentenced to 29 days in jail. Because Rutte and De Jonge feel threatened! On what grounds? It is a judgment referring to a press conference that would not take place. It is not about persons. Legal consequences and Conditions do not exist based on a statement. He has the 'right to speak'(freedom of speech) according to the constitution. If he had a good lawyer the case would have been dismissed. Huig Plug is on hunger strike!
We can stop this if we stop funding them(government money). We must continue to strike,demonstrate and so on to bring down these devilish globalists.
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