America Will be burnt and destroyed - Daniel Prophecy Chapter Seven
3 years ago
So let us see what is going on around us these days:

The first beast, which is like a lion and has eagle's wings:

This represents, "The British Empire", whose emblem
is the lion standing on two feet, the British Empire has
ruled most parts of the world, and was named as the empire from which the
sun never sets. It had ruled the world with vanquish, brutal might
and aggression, till it finally disintegrated and vanished. But today's Britain
talks about human rights and democracy.

The second beast, which is like a bear and has three ribs in its mouth:

This represent, "The Soviet Union", whose emblem
is, "The Russian Bear." Russia did rise on one side
of the world . And the three ribs in its mouth are the countries whose
uprisings and revolutions were crushed by the Russian tanks, these were the Hungarian
revolution of 1956, the Polish revolution and Afghanistan revolution. That
is why it was told, "to devour much flesh" that is the flesh of
the people who were crushed.

The third beast, which is like a leopard, which has
four heads and four wings of a bird on its back :

This represent, "Hitler's Germany," whose emblem
used to be a four winged eagle, and which was later on changed
to the swastika, the beast is compared to the leopard because of its
fast conquest and invasions. The four heads of the beast represent Germany
and its partners in world war two, that is, Germany, Japan, Italy and Romania
which joined the war along side Hitler from 1941 till 1944 AD.

The fourth beast, which is dreadful, terrible and exceedingly
strong, which has iron teeth and copper claws:

This represents, "The United States of America,"
which is exceedingly powerful. America entered world war two along side Britain
and against Hitler. But the true result of the war was that The United
States of America won the war against all those who participated in it,
except for the Soviet Union. Germany and its partners (the leopard)
lost the war and became American and Russian colonies, they have all
been subjected to the American economical power and mercy, and that included Britain
itself where the Americans keep till today military airbases, air
forces, and atomic rocket bases. And the British Empire from which the
sun never used to set off, today is but an obedient economical follower
and the first defender of the American interests all over the
world whether right and just or false and totally unjust.
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