
Are you going Crazy in fear or going "Praisey" for Jesus!

342 Views - Published on 10 Nov, 2020
⁣Original "⁣Shaking My Head Productions 2" ---> ⁣

⁣Covid-19 is an AMAZING "lie-rus" ---> ⁣Impro

⁣Woman Sheds Coronavirus Particles and Tests Positive For 70 Days Without Symptoms --> ⁣

⁣Two wings of political deception (Demon-rats - Biden and Rep-tards - Trump), one bird of evil with the head of Nefarious Narcissistic Nerds in Big Banks, Big Pharma, Big Tech who are programming us through the Main Scream Media with the BS of the Global NWO reset and its religion ... "Trust the Science". The Main Scream Media is the AI propaganda/programming machine of the coming NWO Beast system that "gaslights" the public with lies 24 hours a day, especially lies concerning this "lie-rus", so you will surrender your critical thinking skill and cave in to dystopia deception of the NWO. This is their final solution: hail "the virgin" Mary pass of the Global demonic elite ... they are doubling down on their lies because they know their time is short ... Jesus is coming to judge this world!

⁣Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse that's seen in abusive relationships. It's the act of manipulating a person by forcing them to question their thoughts, memories, and the events occurring around them. A victim of gaslighting can be pushed so far that they question their own sanity! It's a means to make you comply with a lie and surrender your God given freedom and identity as a human.

There are hundreds of videos and articles on BNT and other platforms other than the Main Scream Media that prove that the "Science" we are being told to trust concerning the threat of this "lie-rus" and need for lockdowns, masks and Big Pharma drugs and vaccines ... leading to Medical Tyranny of the NWO is a TOTAL lie. This is the "⁣pseudoscience", brainwashing to make your fear your body that is fearfully and wonderfully made by God. God is ⁣author of Science ... true Science reveals His intelligent design and His awesome sustaining power!

This is a "line in the sand" moment in time. I understand that most people on BNT platform are not "born again" Christian but they are "humanists" who recognize that man is not supposed to rule over man or rule over this planet in an evil destructive way ... and I am still a humanist as concerning this truth - do no harm - (Common Law or Natural Law). However, the whole truth is much deeper because you cannot even trust yourself ... the heart is deceptive ... you are born with a Self Indulgent Nature (SIN) ... and you think you can WIN if you try to do what is right. Doing good is good but no one is good enough to merit Heaven, we all fall short, except Jesus.

⁣A Must See. NEW!! Common Law. The Law Of The Land -->

David Icke is correct about the difference between Common Law or Natural "God Given" Law vs Statute or Contract Laws that Corporations enter into and people agree to in order to buy and sell and claim rights of property. All forms of Government have the power that the people allow or consent or contract with them to have over their lives. God's intent for man is to live under His Theocracy and God's will for man will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. However, until Christ returns to reign and rule over the earth, the governments of the world are accountable to God to do what is right and the people are individually accountable to God to do what is right and righteous people are supposed to speak up when governments are not acting righteously, as in the case of the scam-demic where crimes against humanity are being perpetrated!

As a born again Christian I stand in the fight to expose these crimes that are being committed against humanity by all government leaders (including Trump) under this hoax "lie-rus" scam-demonic! Yet, as a born again Christian, this world is not my home ... I am first most a citizen of Heaven. I am not fighting under the delusion that man can build a utopia existence on earth. Humanist Laws do NOT override God's laws ... pro abortion, pro divorce and LGBT gender identity laws are just as oppressive as the laws of Medical Tryanny done in the name of "Science". And the science is crystal clear ... there is one race, the human race and there are only two genders ... male and female. Life begins at conception and God hates divoce.

The "do as thy will" and "I did it my way" mentality is ultimately vanity that glorifies man servers Satan. So from this standpoint, I am against humanism and New Age mysticism as much as I am against Tyranny. And this includes Tyranny done in the name of Christ, such as the RCC Church has practiced through the ages and the New Apostolic Reformation "Dominion" church is drumming up at this time. The Church is not supposed to rule over the State ... Jesus said my Kingdom is not of this Realm (John 18:36).

There is no need to reinvent a new form of Government, for it will only be the Noahide Tyranny of the NWO. The government that is laid out in the Constitution of the United States of America is the best form of government that men can hope to achieve this side of Heaven ... but it will only work to govern a people who take personal "moral responsibility to live a righteous life as defined by God in His word! ⁣And this is the root problem ... There is little to no repentance from sin in the world and few are living righteously in Him, standing upon His word and exposing the evils and evil doers in the world.

⁣I am studying law and governments ... from the US Constitution to Common Law, Crimes against humanity, Natural Law, Contract Law, UN Law and Noahide Law. But the bottom line is that when man no longer holds himself morally accountable to God to do what is right ... then Tyranny of some sort steps in to take over our lives or should I say to put a boot to our ass!

The truth will set you free but it will piss you off first. People can't change the truth but the Truth can change people.

⁣Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. - John 14:6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. - Proverbs 3:5-6

⁣For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12

I tell people I'm not crazy ... I'm praisey for Jesus. Jesus Only Y'all - JOY! - Rogersings
Rogersings NWO News!

Rogersings NWO News!

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