3 years ago
⁣If people can't understand how crazy and reckless it is to have themselves injected with a genetically engineered novel recombinant chimpanzee adenovirus, for which we don't know the long term effects (as at the dawn of tobacco smoking), and when the survival rate from Covid-19 is at least 99.8% (e.g. Ioannidis Oct. 2020), then there is little point in them surviving anyway, since they're already effectively brain dead.

As the recent Danish study showed, together with the increases in "infections" after compulsory face coverings, mandatory masks provide negligible benefits, yet are harmful to the wearer. For example, trapping in bacteria and fungi in a moist 'Petri dish', and leading to the condition known as "mask mouth", with rotting teeth and gum disease, and associated heart disease when the bacteria migrate to the valves. The additional stress on the heart, brain and lungs from reduced oxygen (21% to 17%) and from elevated CO2 (from possibly 0.1% in indoor settings up to ~1%). The risk of pulmonary fibrosis after 15 years or so after fibres of plastic from masks lodge in the lung. These are a very high price to pay for the mere 'benefit' of virtue signalling.

in June 2020, well after the epidemic had peaked in many countries, the WHO admitted that asymptomatic transmission was "rare" or even "very rare".

This was subsequently backed up by a November study showing that in Wuhan, out of a total of 1,174 close contacts of asymptomatic positive cases who were traced, every single one of them tested negative for Covid-19!!! What's more, "virus cultures were negative for all asymptomatic positive and repositive cases, indicating no 'viable virus' in positive cases detected in this study". That's further confirmation that it wasn't simply luck that prevented those contacts from becoming infected; the asymptomatic "cases" were not infectious and thus it was impossible for them to transmit the disease!

See this article by Dr. Mike Yeadon to understand what SAGE got wrong. In short, they've denied the existence of T cell immunity, and they've denied the existence of prior immunity to Covid from related common cold coronaviruses, which allowed them to greatly overestimate susceptibility to Covid at the earlier stages of the redefined "pandemic", and to greatly underestimate infections by excluding cases where antibody levels have already declined and T cells have taken over the defence, which allows them to arrive at their false conclusion that we are far from herd immunity. The falsity of that was demonstrated by the decline in infections and fatalities before any effects of the first lockdown were possible.

Lockdowns certainly provide no benefit in reducing Covid deaths, yet they surely cause excess mortalities from non-Covid causes such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, suicide, along with poverty and mental health problems. For example, Sweden, which has more of its population living in urban areas than the UK, has had no lockdowns or mandatory masks, yet has fewer Covid deaths per million of population than the UK. Belarus has far fewer deaths than even Sweden.

The introduction of an Orwellian police state in the name of 'protecting' citizens from what is merely a glorified common cold or flu is unacceptable, and resistance to tyranny is a duty. We should get back to living our lives and making our own decisions about risks to our health. After all, when you have a cold, it's only common sense not to get too close to vulnerable people for a week or two.
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