Corona, what is a virus?
Most people still don't understand what a virus really is, so this Doctor explains it for you. You will be surprised.
⁣I have become bored by all the rubbish and speculation I see everywhere, about the Corona Virus because everyone is making decisions and jumping to conclusions based on a lack of information. There are some things you need to understand before you attempt to come to a conclusion, therefore I am providing here the information, which has been deliberately hidden from you. I am writing this purely to inform rather than to discuss, as the following are facts and, therefore, no discussion can change them.
1. A virus is not a living organism, it is a solvent.
2. Viruses are created within the cells of our own bodies and do not attack it like bacteria.
3. Their purpose, as a solvent, is to detoxify the body, that is to get rid of all the abominable toxins you take in every day from fast/processed foods, cleaning products, heavy metals and the myriad of foul substances we drink or inhale from the atmosphere.
4. Because it is not a living thing, you cannot kill it with antibacterial hand wash or soap, nor can it be transmitted from person to person because it is not a live being that leaps from one person to another.
5. Why do a lot of people get a virus together in the same place at the same time? The human-animal is like many other wonders of creation, take for example plants, all plants of the same species flower at the same time. How do they know? Anyone who grows their own vegetables will tell you that if one plant bolts to seed, all others of the same species will do likewise. This is because they talk via pheromones, as do all animals.
6. Social distancing works because we do not exchange, and are therefore not influenced by, the pheromones of others, which may be telling us that we should create the virus within our cells to detoxify like they are doing. For the same reason, masks work to a degree because we do not fully sense each other's pheromones.
7. Not everyone suffers from a virus, even though exposed to it, if they did, all doctors and nurses would be ill with it.
8 Why do viruses kill or make us feel bad? In general, they harm people of high toxicity, who are already weakened by all the toxins they have taken in from the air, fast or processed foods and water. Their weakness often allowing bacterial infections to get a foothold, depleting their strength further, such that the detoxifying process is too much for their body’s resources.
9. Fit, healthy, non toxic people do not suffer from it because their bodies do not need to use massive amounts of physical resources to detoxify.
10. You will notice that viruses are always prevalent at particular times of the year. Clearly, for the same reasons that plants flower at the same time of year and, likewise, lose their leaves to become dormant, all together, at the same time of year.
11. So where did the virus come from in the first place? Type into your search bar US2006257852 and/or EP3172319B1 The latter, a vaccine, was first patented in November 2019, (isn’t that a surprise) and updated last week! (The word ‘live’ in the patents refers to it fulfilling the purpose for which it was intended and does not in any way imply a living organism, as in a live broadcast).
So where did the virus really start? Someone injected a vaccine into a bunch of people and it started from there. Remember, you cannot catch it, you can only create it from pheromonal instructions passed on to you from others. You create it yourself!
12. Why is this information kept secret from us and why was it invented in the first place? Well, perhaps now you need to listen to some of the speculation and what you may previously have regarded as conspiracy theories. If you believe nothing else, you cannot doubt the evidence of the US and EU patent offices. You may also now begin to doubt the figures for deaths apparently caused the virus. Then you need to ask yourself a few questions!
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