E10 Petrol Replacing E5 fuel Summer 2021 Q & A.
3 years ago
Info you will find useful.
⁣Later this year (2021) E10 fuel is being introduced to the UK and filling stations will replace their present 95 Octane E5 fuel with E10.
'E' stands for Ethanol - which is a solvent and it can cause degradation of rubber and plastic components, such as hoses, seals, fuel lines and filters.
This means some pre-2011 cars could suffer fuel system failures - watch this video to understand more.

How do I know if my car is affected?
Try checking here: https://www.gov.uk/check-vehicle-e10-...
Or here: https://www.acea.be/uploads/publicati...
⁣00:00 Intro
00:48 What's going on?
01:02 So, what is E10 Fuel?
01:11 What fuel do we use at the moment in the UK?
01:22 Will this change affect diesel?
01:29 Why are they doing this?
01:43 So, what cars are affected?
02:27 How will I know if a filling station is selling E10?
02:40 How do I know if my car's affected?
02:54 What do I do if my car is not compatible with E10 fuel?
03:04 What could happen if I put E10 fuel in an incompatible vehicle?
03:47 Is it a problem if I accidentally fill up with the wrong fuel?
04:21 What about the future? How long will E5 fuel be available for?
04:32 So, what will happen when E5 is no longer available?
04:47 What will the extra cost to use Super Unleaded be?
05:20 Ok, so what will I be doing?
06:02 Outro
Credit to: ⁣Simon Scott
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