Satan’s Weapons: Progressive Entrapment - The Ouija Board, Ayahuasca and the Occult
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Satan’s Weapons: Progressive Entrapment -
The Ouija Board, Ayahuasca and the Occult

What is Progressive Entrapment?

2 Corinthians 11:13-15

13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

One of Satan’s most cunning, subtle and manipulative weapons is what is called “progressive entrapment.”

Progressive entrapment is a term used when the spirit of an Ouija board slowly gains the trust and dependence of the board user with intent to deceive, manipulate and control him.

The Typical Progressive Entrapment Process

In Chapter 4 of the book “The Ouija Board: A Doorway to the Occult,” Edmond C. Gruss cites from the article “The Truth About the Ouija Board,” by J. Godfrey Raupert and from the book “The Satan Trap: Dangers of the Occult” by Martin Ebon, to describe the typical progressive entrapment process.

I will summarize here:

1) The spirit claims to be a deceased friend or family member of the board user, or at least acts like a friend, and the spirit’s messages are completely normal.
2) Non-threatening and light-hearted exchanges occur until trust is established with the board user.
3) Then the spirit changes character and relates unexplained, surprising messages. The spirit may know things about the board user that nobody could possibly know, or it may predict the future.
4) Something beneficial is gained by the board user, an emotional healing or insight into a problem, for example, and the spirit gains more trust. The spirit claims that it wishes to continue the relationship for the benefit of the board user and the human race.
5) The user continues communication and the spirit gains more control over the user’s mind.
6) The user receives lots more revealing messages and is told that he is “special,” or is “chosen” for an important task and deserves this unique attention from supernatural beings.
7) The user begins to do what the spirit desires, often becoming obsessed with the designated task
8) Very subtly the spirit plants doubt and immorality in the user’s mind. It might say that the spouse is unfaithful, or state that a co-worker wishes to do harm, or maybe a friend’s motives are not benevolent. Those against the use of the Ouija board are especially attacked. The idea that moral codes are created by man and that Christian ideals are outdated becomes more prevalent. The user begins to feel that he is above morals, or that he can make his own.
9) Psychic powers are developed. These could be automatic writing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, precognition or telepathy. The user may receive messages from other spirits; he hears more voices.
10) The user’s mind gate is opened to spirits and he has no power to close it. He begins to collapse mentally and morally. The spirits become hostile and obscene. Possession may occur.

Progressive Entrapment is in All Areas of the Occult

Gruss in “The Ouija Board: A Doorway to the Occult,” documents several cases in which interaction with the Ouija board ends very badly, sometimes in murder or suicide.

The novel "The Exorcist" by William Peter Blatty and the film adaption are based on real-life events. "Possessed: The True Story of an Exorcism" by Thomas B. Allen documents the real story of the 14-year-old boy who was introduced to the Ouija board by his spiritualist aunt, and became possessed by means of progressive entrapment.

What is not recognized is that progressive entrapment does not stop with the Ouija board, but runs through every aspect of the occult and even in the UFO phenomena.

In "The Mothman Prophesies" John Keel investigates very strange sightings of a winged apparition called the Mothman in Point Pleasant, West Virginia. His investigation leads him down the road of high strangeness in the paranormal and he encounters UFOs, the Men in Black, alien contactees,

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