truth, vaccine


2 K Views - Published on 16 Nov, 2020
⁣⁣Original "Stop World Control" ---> ⁣

Join the movement! Stop World Control ... click on the website --->

⁣Compulsory vaccination for Covid-19 and human rights law in the UK ---> ⁣

⁣This U.S. State Has Already Established Legal Means For Mandatory Vaccinations! ---> ⁣

How much longer can people ignore the obvious! ⁣This "lie-r-us" vaccine has nothing to do with our health and well being but everything to do with creating a New World Normal of control over us! --->

⁣⁣Dr Carrie Madej explains how the proposed vaccine for COVID-19 can change humanity forever. Human 2.0, transhumanism, AI artificial intelligence.

Trump is not your friend ... he is the "Deceiver in Chief", pushing the New World Normal "RNA vaccine from Hell" at "warp speed" and implementing the Certificate of Validation ID - COVID - by "Giant" Pharma to put us under the tyranny of Medical Marital Law --> ⁣

⁣All government leaders (including Trump and Biden) are Bank Sock Puppets perpetrating crimes against humanity under this pandemic, plan-demic, scam-demic, scam-demonic that is run by the Luciferian Nefarious Technocrats who run the Giant Banks, Giant Tech, Giant Pharam and the Goliath Main Scream Media in order to usher in the Global Reset - the NWO! The religion of the NWO is "Trust the Science".

This RNA vaccine is "Fake Science" ... the body has the natural God given means to overcome disease and expel toxins that build up in the body, it's called the immune system ... when you artificially stimulate the body with a vaccine, this is like artificially stimulating the economy by printing money ... but this doesn't solve anything, it just gives people a false sense of security and further enslaves people with debt, kicking the problem down the road to the next generation. Vaccines are not the path to health but the path to slavery ... a false sense of security and slavery to the "Giants" Big Banks, Big Tech, Big Pharma and Big Brother ... not life, liberty and freedom from God.

The RNA vaccine "virus spike protein" provokes the body to produce an antibody protein to "bind" to the spike protein. This causes unnecessary trama and shock to the body, like a slap on the face and it does not prevent the flu but actually compromises your immune system so it can not properly flush toxins and disease from your body, which are flu like symptoms. The vaccine's artifical means of trying to regulate your body will cause your body to react even more ⁣severally to try to cleanse the body in the future! Vaccines are upside down fake science that cause you to fear the world of a contagion that doesn't exist and compromise your body so it cannot effectively keep you healthy.

Don not feed the fear of the "warp speed" plan with Anti-science which is building the Antichrist Kingdom but feed it with the word of God (Matthew 4:4).

Only Jesus has overcome this world (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) ... Believe in Him and you will be forgiven your sin, born again and have a good life that will not end! (John 3:16). Jesus Only Y'all - JOY! - Rogersings

⁣In the Netherlands the family practitioner Dr. Rob Elens was treating his own dying patients with HCQ zinc. They recovered in a matter of days. (6)
The government stepped in and commanded him to stop healing his patients with HCQ, or his license would be removed. Dr. Elens had to let his patients die...
He made several videos in which he informed the people about what was going on... but they were removed right away. In one video he gave scientific information about several effective treatments for Covid-19. In less than a day YouTube got rid of it.

'The governments say there's no treatment for Covid-19. It's a lie. It's deception. They don't want to cure Covid-19 because... everyone has to get the vaccines!


Agreed! I am not on board with the level of coincidence taking place here. First, a US Army general is interviewed on Sunday night who just so happened to storyboard a "fictional timeline" where first Pfizer announced a vaccine and then Moderna.

Why was the US Military already stockpiling the vaccine BEFORE Pfizer announced they had developed the vaccine last Monday morning?
Why is the US Military necessary to distribute the vaccine?
To get you slowly used to the idea of military presence in civil matters. Just like many folks were not used to face diapers but now even wear it alone in their cars, hanging from one ear, rear view mirror like covidiots.

Moderna. 95% effective in altering your genetic DNA. Military is necessary to enforce mandatory vaccinations. Contact tracers appear at your door because you were next to someone you never heard of. You refuse the test because it will show a false positive, then your mandatory testing and vaccine is required. States can (already are SD) get in the way so military enforces federal law.
All so Bill Gates, George Soros and Klaus Schwab can play gods.

⁣Here is the CDC link where they admit the "COVID" test may only prove that the recipient has antibodies from an infection with a virus from the same family of corona viruses that cause the common cold. ---> ⁣

⁣A positive test result shows you may have antibodies from an infection with the virus that causes COVID-19. However, there is a chance a positive result means that you have antibodies from an infection with a virus from the same family of viruses (called coronaviruses), such as the one that causes the common cold.
Please be advised that the CDC test kits are faulty and are thus more than likely to find you false positive if you ever had a cold and/or flu.

⁣𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐜 𝐇𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐚 - a research summary by Duke --> ⁣


⁣Spiritual reality of the end times. Knowing the season has arrived ---> ⁣

Brother Ross, I agree with you about the Rev 12 (The Rapture then 3 1/2 years AoD 3 1/2 years). We are not in the 7 year Tribulation period yet. I think this pandemic, plan-demic, scam-demic, scam-demonic "lie-rus" hoax is the final birth pain push to bring forth the man-child (the Rapture). The Corona "crown" is given to the Antichrist so he can conquer the "lie-rus" by ensuring everyone has a Certificate of Verification ID - COVID ... this is the mark of the NWO Antichrist Kingdom and the NWO religion is "Trust the Science". I don't think the vaccine is Mark of the Beast because the Beast Kingdom won't begin until the Abomination of Desolation occurs at the 3 1/2 year mark .... However from my study of vaccines they are extremely dangerous, especially this RNA one and vaccines are unnecessary.

We are fearfully and wonderfully made by God, designed by God to fight off disease. The best thing we can do is support a healthy mind, body and spirit at all times. Nefarious elite control Giant Banks, Giant Tech, Giant Pharma and the Main Scream Goliath Media ... these are the Giants of our day! I think all government leaders are compromised (including Trump) and they are willingly guilty of committing crimes against humanity by participating in this scam-demonic plan to use a "lie-rus" to lockstep the world into a rule of Tyranny under Medical Martial Laws. Technocrats like Fauci and Gates have hijacked the Medical profession and we are being duped by "pseudo Medical Science" to enter into a Global Reset - a NWO Antichrist Kingdom. We need to STOP moving a "warp speed" ... STOP feeding the "warpped" engine of progress with "Anti-things-that-matter" and "Anti-science" and "Anti-truth" which is fueling the "Anti-christ" Kingdom and let the light of common sense and true medical science be heard!

We know there will be martyrs during the first 3 1/2 years of the Antichrist Kingdom, for maintaining the testimony of Jesus Christ (Rev 6:9). Perhaps the refusal to take the COVID vaccine because you belief in Jesus will be the Testimony of the Tribulation Saints and martyrs? I don't think the vaccine is the Mark of the Beast and I don't think if you take the vaccine that it will damn your soul to hell because the MoTB will require you to worship the Beast or the image of the Beast and the Beast Kingdom which doesn't arrive until after 3 1/2 years of the Antichrist Kingdom. But from my study of vaccines, especially this RNA one, this vaccine could cause you to have a bad reaction or a bad delayed reaction. By agreeing to take this vaccine you are agreeing to be "property" of the NWO Global State ... and you are agreeing that the government can tell you if you are "fit" to go outside your house, they can tell you where you can go and if you can buy and sell.

First 3 1/2 years is the NWO Antichrist Kingdom - AoD - Last 3 1/2 years is the Satan Beast Kingdom.

I know I have written a lot but the vaccine and this scam-demic is a sign that we can use to expose the evil of the world and tell them about the good news gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus Only Y'all - JOY!
Rogersings NWO News!

Rogersings NWO News!

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