12/24/2021: Doug "Wrecker" Thornton & Dave Hodges Analyze the Coming and Inevitable Ci
3 years ago
⁣"I'm Going to Go Punch Something"

From Dave Hodges (12/24/2021): "I recently interviewed a former Federal LEO. (DHS) and a Marine (Doug Thornton). We analyzed how America is entering the Civil War zone. Is there any pulling back from the abyss? Or, is America destined to destroy itself with the fulfillment of a major civil war between the Red and the Blue.

America is on the very edge of total anarchy and will become a nation ruled by Warlords. The emerging lawlessness will eventually lead to foreign interventionist troops running their tanks down our streets. At what point with the country break out into civil war. What will that look like?

In this week's edition of the Doug and Dave Intel Report, we analyze the coming civil war from both an issue-related event to the actual nature of the coming event."

Source: https://thecommonsenseshow.com/activism-agenda-21-conspiracy/doug-and-dave-intel-report-analyze-coming-and-inevitable-civil-war

Video: Meet "Wrecker"! No-Nonsense Patriot and Defender of Freedom!

------------ FALSE SALVATION — Is it possible? CHRISTIANS: Be sure you are saved and not just think you are ("Sinner's prayers" are not in the Bible).

Christians ought to download and prove this out while there is still time (prove it wrong if you can):

"The Dark/Light Series" (PDF) (1Cor 13:12) — A Guide to Authentic Salvation:


Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. (1Thess 5:21)
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