breath, breathe, breathwork, pranayama, yoga, breathing, proper, deep, wim hof method

The Wim Hof Mouth-Breathing Hyper-Ventilation Method

298 Views - Published on 05 Aug, 2021
⁣As a teacher of Pranayama Yoga deep-breathing techniques for over a
decade, I am regularly asked about a man named Wim Hof and the
breath-work practice he has labeled "The Wim Hof Method." This video is
a response to this constant question I am asked, is intended to
elucidate my position on the matter, and not meant as an attack on Mr.
Hof who I appreciate for bringing widespread attention to the importance
of proper breathing. Wim Hof has shown that through prolonged
breath-work practice many seemingly super-human feats such as extreme
cold resistance and rapid healing of illnesses is possible. The main
issue I have with what I call "the Wim Hof Mouth-Breating
Hyper-Ventilation Technique" is that he has essentially rebranded a less
effective version of the Pranayama Yoga Breath of Fire and given it a
new title after his own name calling it "The Wim Hof Method." To begin
with, there are many beneficial breathing techniques known and taught by
ancient Yogis for thousands of years, most of them focusing on slow,
full, deep inhales through the nose and exhales through the mouth. Wim
Hof focuses on only one such technique (the Breath of Fire) and
irresponsibly tells everyone to breathe through their mouth! This is
absolutely not beneficial for your health/lungs long-term.

organs of respiration have their only protective apparatus, filter, or
dust-catcher, in the nostrils. When the breath is taken through the
mouth, there is nothing from mouth to lungs to strain the air, or to
catch the dust and other foreign matter in the air. Moreover, such
incorrect breathing admits cold air to the organs, thereby injuring
them. Inflammation of the respiratory organs often results from the
inhalation of cold air through the mouth. The man who breathes through
the mouth at night, always awakens with a parched feeling in the mouth
and a dryness in the throat. He is violating one of nature’s laws, and
is sowing the seeds of disease. On the other hand, the nostrils and
nasal passages show evidence of the careful design of nature in this
respect. The nostrils are two narrow, tortuous channels, containing
numerous bristly hairs which serve the purpose of a filter or sieve to
strain the air of its impurities, etc., which are expelled when the
breath is exhaled. Not only do the nostrils serve this important
purpose, but they also perform an important function in warming the air
inhaled. The long narrow winding nostrils are filled with warm mucous
membrane, which coming in contact with the inhaled air warms it so that
it can do no damage to the delicate organs of the throat, or to the
lungs.” -Yogi Ramacharaka, “The Science of Breath”

breathing has been proven to increase your risk of contracting
communicable diseases, as well as worsening symptoms of pre-existing
conditions, and in children has been proven to cause crooked teeth, gum
disease, facial deformities and poor growth. Wim Hof should be telling
people to ALWAYS breath through their nose except during extreme
situations, but instead I have heard him irresponsibly say on many
occasions that it "doesn't matter as long as you get the oxygen in."
Secondly, Mr. Hof should have the humility and reverence to refer people
to the Yogic "Breath of Fire" and the thousands of years old discipline
of Pranayama, rather than rebranding it "the Wim Hof Method" and acting
like he just came up with the science/method himself, when Yogis have
been achieving the same feats/healing as he has for thousands of years
before he started yelling "breathe motherfucker!" at everyone and
propagating his mouth-breathing hyper-ventilation method. Lastly, I
call it a "hyper-ventilation" breath, because the Breath of Fire/Wim Him
Method is just that: a short, rapid, forceful breathing technique meant
to increase internal body temperature for the purpose of burning off
toxins and increased cold resistance. This breath has a very specific
purpose and is not meant for everyday practice, especially not when
inhaling through the mouth. The actual ancient Pranayama Yoga
breath-work techniques which are meant for everyday practice involve
slow, deep, intentional nasal inhalations filling your entire lung
capacity, holding the oxygen long enough to suck out the sustenance,
then slowly and fully expelling the resulting carbon dioxide out orally.
To learn exactly how and why you should practice proper, effective
breathing completely free, please follow the link in the description box
to article and videos series entitled, "The Most Important Thing in
Your Life." Thank you.

The Most Important Thing in Your Life:
Eric Dubay

Eric Dubay

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