andy wright, talking really, disabled, disability, covid, scam, rollout, death, covid21, new virus, del hightree

Extremely Urgent! DO NOT TAKE THE JAB... Watch and pass on this video!

3 K Views - Published on 10 Dec, 2020
Here we are, the facts about the "plans" which involve "COVID21" a more deadly viral pathogen (even though it is the result of the vaccine and not the virus), which can kill 20-30% more of those who took it and all it takes is the "flu". January/February, the normal flu season, will see huge death rates of those who had the jab and then catch the flu /coronavirus (any of them). This has been known for years to be possible yet they skipped animal tests and got roll out early. TELL EVERYONE and show this video. Courtesy DEL HIGHTREE video for the contents.
Andy Wright Talking Really Uncut

Andy Wright Talking Really Uncut

2 K
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