Klaus Schwab Governments Worldwide. New Cabinet in The Netherlands BBB Puppets
2 years ago
⁣Nullity of treaty law
In any case, ius cogens includes those rules whose violation constitutes a serious international crime, such as genocide and crimes against humanity e.g: Global Covid-19 Agenda. 'Those who commit genocide,shall be punished,indifferently whether they are constitutionally responsible governmental persons,officials or private individuals'(Anti-Genocide Convention 1948). The Statute of the International Criminal Court(1998) contains a provision on Irrelevance of official capacity', which confirms that office holders can be prosecuted and tried. This also applies to International organizations and their officials. Example: The UN(Preamble UN Charter). Founding Treaty June 26, 1945. The Charter stands for peace, promoting respect for human rights and so on. The UN has already committed genocide with the fall of Srebrenica. The International Legal Personality and the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the UN should be annulled.
Treaties are written agreements with a period of validity. Treaties are based on the voluntary consent of states to be bound by the rules set forth in the treaty in question. For example, force majeure and non-performance are grounds for suspension and termination of treaties.
Annually since 2020, $100 billion in loans and grants have been spent to help developing countries and states maintain the climate treaty.
The Treaty of Lisbon or foreign domination( 'Turkey deal' ).
Union law(Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union). The European Union has a special regime and has its 'own legal order'. WHO Treaty established in 1946. Director General of WHO Tedros a terrorist according to Article 3 of the IHR(International Health Regulations)ensures that the dignity,human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons are respected through genocide/medical apartheid. The WHO first issued the International Health Regulations in 1969 and they have been revised regularly. The version now in force is from 2005.
The International Court of Justice has since confirmed several times that the right to self-determination operates erga omnes(towards all) and can therefore be invoked against all states. The right to live among one's own people, who independently determine their way of life and have the right to exist(Anti-genocide treaty of 1948). The right of all peoples to freely dispose of their natural resources is the right of self-determination in Article 1 of the two human rights conventions of 1966. This includes the commandment that peoples shall not be deprived of their means of subsistence under any circumstances.
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