Dr Bryon Ardis shares covid drug REmdesirir gives same symtoms as Covid_covid symtoms provided by R
3 years ago
starts with last segment with Kristen Meghan and Tammy Clarke of STandup Michegan. Kristen points out that most companies have an industrial hygenist that works with osha and air quality or another position she mentions. To reverse these mandates and coersion those people of your company need to be presented the peer reviewed document you can find and download for 1 dollar at www.STandupMichegan.com Bryon Ardis talks at length on Remdesirvir. First noting CMS.gov bribe hospitals to use Remedesivir with 20% bonus for covid patients. and they don't even have to have a test, they can just write it down and put the code in that you have covid and even if its a non positive cold. Then goes into the new Heart findings that Remdesivir damages the heart and relating to rma mitochondrial damage that leads to heart disease. and then notes how Anthony Fauci started things off in the 80s and 90s by pushing that HIV led to AIDS certainly and abused the pcr test with that and then pushed people to have the Drug AZT that actually gave people aids and has every symptom as a side effect as AIDS does. now fast forward to now. Fauci exploiting the pcr tests and then after the covid narrative has been established about june 2020 deems Remedesivir as the recommened drug to treat Covid. And points out that covid Symtoms have the same symtoms Remdesivir. (and the Blood clots among other things from the so called vaccine) That symtoms of covid was provided in part by Guilliad, the makerof REmdesiriv. the REcommend drug. And since the NIH recommends it Hospital Administers are directing medicine by pushing remdesivir, which leads to the incentivzed death unless you are lucky enough to get treated by a Doctor not controlled by this death incentivzed system. On Dr Ardis site I think Drardisshow.com you can sign up and there are too forms to print out and notorized. USe those 2 documents if you ever have to go to the hospital, so you assert legally you are not consenting to the vaccine, and you refuse the recommended drug remdesivir. Here are other good links with Dr Bryon Ardis ⁣https://brandnewtube.com/watch/dr-ardis-exposes-deadly-dangers-of-fauci-039-s-covid-protocols-full-hour-1_CaXUjGDVNi2tvA2.htmlhttps://brandnewtube.com/watch/20210920-aj-bryan-ardis-1-medical-industry-causing-covid-deaths_sMIymkRBnuOtDcR.htmlhttps://brandnewtube.com/watch/dr-bryan-ardis-and-wolfang-wodarg-disscuss-incentivzed-medical-malpractice-in-us-with-covid-for-lawy_MSrbShb31NxBSx7.htmlhttps://archive.org/details/20211111-bryon-ardis-explains-dangers-of-monoclonal-antibodies-with-kate-dalley-1 Considering Fauci quarterbacking of this and before is he arguably the GOAT Serial Killer?
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