Did MADONNA predict the CORONA PANDEMIC? | www.kla.tv/17661
3 years ago
⁣How come Madonna’s album cover ‘Madame X’, published in June 2019, contained hints linked to the corona pandemic? Coincidence? The same with other significant events as “predictions” by satanic terrorists have deliberately been placed on music-covers. Madonna currently announced a donation of one million dollars to the Bill & Melinda Gates-Foundation dedicated to developing a vaccine. In this case as well, one should take notice of the Satanic Symbolism… - ⁣www.kla.tv/17661

⁣Today from the category: “Satanist terrorism”
With over 300 million records sold, Madonna is the most commercially successful singer in the world. On 14 June 2019, she released her new album Madame X which cover is quite surprising as a CORONA typewriter is depicted on the back – six months before the worldwide outbreak of the corona virus. The whole world economy was affected by it and social life got paralyzed.

The fact that such "predictions" are no coincidence but rather deliberately printed on music covers, has also been observed in other significant events. Here is an excerpt from Ivo Sasek's info giant topic "Global Crises":
Is there really conscious, targeted satanic terror? Yes, satanic terrorists even play games hiding their planned terror attacks openly in advance by using symbols. - The designers of Jackson's cover, in German "Blut auf dem Tanzboden" (Blood on the dance floor) from 1997, showed precisely four years before 9/11 what would happen on September 11th, 2019. See here: Michael's arms point to 9 and 11! His right arm is wearing a black funerary bandage. One of the towers in the background has already disappeared in a nuclear dust cloud. Jackson is dancing on a black and white checkered floor, typical of high-grade Masonic temples. - But the Supertramp band had already symbolized 9/11 in 1979. If you look at the cover of their record "Breakfast in America", the orange juice lies like a big fireball right on top of the twin towers - and the 9/11 symbol appears exactly above the towers. On the back of the cover, an airplane flies towards both towers. - The menu the woman holds there - 22 years before 9/11 - marks Ground Zero in similar lettering to the towers on the far left.

During the lockdown, Madonna went into quarantine where she kept a Corona diary of all things with – listen to this - a typewriter (!). She was regularly filmed typing on a typewriter and this was posted on her Twitter channel.
Why do internationally renowned music stars allow themselves to be the puppets of satanic wirepullers? Is it a coincidence that such references now appear on Madonna’s CD cover? No, because the entire American music culture is also freemasonic and highly occult. Almost all internationally known music stars openly glorify Satanism and so does Madonna. She did it in front of everyone, for example at the GRAMMYs awards in 2015, and most recently at the Eurovision Song Contest 2019, when she re-enacted a satanic mass in front of an audience of millions. She appeared in a black gown and showed herself with one eye. A covered eye is considered a symbol of the All-Seeing Eye of Lucifer, also known as the Eye of Horus - found in Freemasonry, in Satanism, on the 1 dollar bill as a reference to high finance controlled by satanic circles or, with no surprise, on the back of Madonna.
Most recently, Madonna announced in the course of the Corona crisis that she would donate one million dollars to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for the development of a vaccine. Note the Luciferian symbolism in this matter as well. Before Madonna begins her announcement, she shows the sign of Satan to the camera. If you look at the T-shirt she is wearing, you can see a cross and a person on it. This is not Jesus Christ, but a horned person, Lucifer.

In retrospect, it is no coincidence that 9/11 was beforehand announced by Luciferian masterminds on music albums. After all, it led to multiple wars, to the destruction of whole countries with millions of dead. It has also enabled governments worldwide to massively restrict the freedom rights of citizens under the guise of fighting terrorism. It has now been clearly proven that the attacks of 9/11 were controlled explosions - in other words, an operation planned earlier - which in their abomination is typical of Luciferian circles.
In the case of Corona, it can also be assumed that the same satanic terrorists are playing a role. That, just like 9/11, it was also deliberately planned long in advance and is now being used by the same people to further their plans to establish a Luciferian world order. Considering this context, the call for worldwide vaccination must also be viewed with great caution.


Wikipedia „Madonna“


CORONA Schreibmaschine Typ 4

Wikipedia „COVID-19“

Albumcover Madame X, Madonna

Auftritt Madonna GRAMMYs 2015

Auftritt Madonna Eurovision Song Contest 2019

1 Million-Dollar-Spende an die Gates-Foundation

Madonna führt CORONA-Tagebuch
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