‘Police for Freedom’ oppose health dictatorship and loss of liberty
3 years ago
Suomennettuna täällä: ⁣https://www.bitchute.com/video/FSrDGgdcbj0a/
⁣Suomeksi tekstitysskripti tekstimuodossa: https://1drv.ms/w/s!AuiPezogghjFgaYOkvTmjgqGgeTbpA?e=3VyxaL (saa jakaa!)

Original in English: ⁣https://www.bitchute.com/video/CMo0wXeqvmOf/
in French: http://www.profession-gendarme.com/

English: Police: https://policeforfreedom.org/

Upeaa toimintaa Espanjan poliisilta, juuri näin! Täysin päinvastaista kuin mitä harmiksemme Suomessa saimme todistaa Suurkulkueessa 10.4.2021: https://tokentube.net/l/2984343157/LIVE---Suurkulkue-10-4-klo-11-50, https://tokentube.net/l/2606726511/Jatkuu, https://tokentube.net/l/3845970184/LIVE-11-4-KLO-17-00--Suurkulkueen-kiinniotetut-kertomassa-poliisin-raukkamaisesta-toiminnasta, lähtekää poliisit täällä Suomessakin mukaan rauhan ja vapauden liikkeeseen, puolustamaan ihmisoikeuksia, lastenne oikeuksia, omia oikeuksianne, perustuslakia. Me olemme kuitenkin kaikki lopulta kansalaisia. Ymärtäkäämme että olemme viimekädessä yhtä. Korruption on loputtava.
*Infoa*: Reiner Fuellmich: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJ40D6ouq_8 ja jatkoa (continuation video): https://rapsodia.fi/paivitys-rikos-ihmisyytta-vastaan/
- Potkut Terveystalolta, Korruptio, Koronakatsaus
- Mikael Kivivuori #34: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-feDM6nRPJc
- https://koronarealistit.net/
- k-"rokotteista" aka "kokeellisestageeniterapiasta" Alpha TV: https://www.permanto.fi/fi/web/alfatv/player/vod?assetId=94409691

"Sonia Vescovacci, founder of the group ‘Police for Freedom’ shows great courage, as she renews the oath she made, as a member of the National Police Force, to serve and protect the people. In so doing, she speaks out against the lies, manipulation and incoherencies that have emerged during the Covid crisis… in addition to a worrisome decline of democracy and freedom.

Harmful and absurd health-measures with no scientific basis are being rolled out during the fake pandemic, leading us into a health-based dictatorship. It does not stop there, however. This dire situation is giving rise to a dictatorship that is economic, technological and social as well.
Have you asked yourselves who is benefitting from all this? Unreliable PCR tests can destroy our society’s safety and the same is true of the bribes and dubious funding offered to governments in exchange for lockdowns and toxic vaccines… She invites us to investigate further, as we become informed and start asking ourselves about these issues, amongst many others…
"It is our duty to do the research and investigate. We cannot conform to the media’s narrative, which sows nothing but fear, nor can we accept the narrative of incompetent or complicit governments. We have to urgently re-establish the rule of law, the common good, justice and democracy, whilst barring those responsible from the game. Together, it is our duty to take a position and take action, as we forge a better society without conflicts or vested interests, where the common good prevails."
Translated by yours truly! <3
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