Why You Can't Catch A Virus ~ Great Explanation | Spacebusters
3 years ago
⁣Why You Can't Catch A Virus ~ Great Explanation | Spacebusters
https://www.bitchute.com/video/EdffVJbFxb96/ - ⁣April 21st, 2021.

⁣Spacebusters: you are welcome to download, subtitle and re-upload. Normally youtube subtitles it for you but they have banned this video. I cannot speak any clearer than that, but be my guest!

Conscious.life: Is shedding a 'real' concern for those who are unvaxxed and therefore be at risk to contract anything from being exposed to those who may have been vaxed same day, within 3-5 days or longer? (Sayer Ji, Greenmed info) has a video explaining that those who haven't been jabbed are seriously at risk from vaxxd shedding. ??Spacebusters: if you are on FB, you can listen to this link by my good friend Dr. Andrew Kaufman. there is no mechanism at play to worry about physical "shedding". There might be psychosomatic risks and even morphogenic field variants at play, but nothing physical to worry about. More divide and conquer nonsense. https://www.facebook.com/bob.incognitto.35/videos/161621732546182 .Clip from the latest Dr. Andrew Kaufman interview where he addresses the bogus "shedding" theory!Here's the link to the full video:https://www.bitchute.com/video/zJkGeudHOgXz/ -

Truth_Activist: Great summary. Thomas Cowan - Contagion Myth is a very good book, I'm sure you read it, also Amandha Vollmer has tons of material on it.Spacebusters: There's only one disease: Toxemia. It expresses in over 20,000 different ways since the body has so many combinations of different tissues, organs and systems...so that's called cellular necrosis...plus the body loses 60-70 billion cells a day from natural programmed cell death. The body has cycles just like trees and plants do, on when it's time to remove all of those toxins that it stores in joints and other places in the body. The main problem is we keep calling the flu, colds, cancer, and disease "sick" when it's actually the opposite, toxemia is the sickness, flu, colds, cancer and disease are the body trying to heal itself and clean out those toxins. it takes a lot of energy to clean out and so we feel bad, since we don't have access to that energy for thought, motion, creativity, etc. The whole allopathic medical field is a warfare model that wages war on the body's own healing process, calling the healing itself the disease or sickness and not the poisons that are causing it. We covered it in detail in the film before this, it's just over 2 hours but time well invested...we got very deep into this in that film: https://www.bitchute.com/video/YKktYdEGBRnP/https://www.bitchute.com/video/YKktYdEGBRnP/ - Virology Debunks Corona (2:20:04) Spacebusters - Church of Virology

MythArea: Well, technically a virus is a phage without a parent, thus there is a cycle of death and life, as it uses a host cell to replicate, the corona is a fungal spore from the mycha and not a virus.Spacebusters: You raise a great point and the crux of the matter. If you listen to mainstream virology, they are calling phages, bacteria, yeast, fungi, basically all microzyma "viruses", when they are nothing of the sort...and virus is a latin word meaning "poisonous fluid"...not living organism. Microzyma are not poisonous fluids, they are actual living things. A virus is dead cell debris....some call it solvents....the other thing people misunderstand about bacteriology is that when bacteria themselves die because an environment is so toxic and acidic that even they can't survive, they become anaerobic, and their own dead cell debris is highly poisonous and acidic. Just leave an egg and mayo salad out in the sun for a week and try to eat it...if you don't die, you'll be sick for weeks. But living bacteria and germs are not poisonous, only their own dead waste product is, just like injecting dead rotting cellular debris is. Eat a piece of rotten meat sitting out for three weeks and see what that does. That egg salad does not magically get up and fly around infecting people....it's just a plastic tupperware bowl full of poison. Sure, you could then take that egg salad and inject it into someone, feed it to them, or even used advanced chemistry to turn it into powder form and slip it in someone's food, drink, cocaine or spike their blankets with it...which is how poisons are made...but it's not the bacteria and germs that kill you, it's the poisonous acidic breakdown of those things once they are dead that does. I'm making a new film explaining all of this in detail...including the hoax known as Leprosy.ourgreaterdestiny: Shedders and Super Spreaders: https://stateofthenation.co/?p=62588 -

ourgreaterdestiny: Millionaire Offers $1.2 M Reward to Anyone providing anIsolated Sample of the COVID-19 Virus .. Where is the Proof??? https://thebl.com/us-news/millionaire-offers-1-2-m-reward-to-anyone-providing-an-isolated-sample-of-the-covid-19-virus.html -
ourgreaterdestiny: Extraordinarily presented, easy to grasp. Thank you. https://spingolaspeaks.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/the-poisoned-needle.pdf

goopis: Also, when Thomas Cowan said that "...bacteria & viruses have never been proven to cause any disease." does he mean that conditions like gangrenous and bacterial pneumonia are symptoms and not diseases?
Spacebusters: yes, that's correct. Bacteria, fungus and yeast themselves are not poisonous...but when they die from oxygen starvation, they become anaerobic and highly acidic and poisonous...so a bacterial virus would be the dead cell debris of bacteria that were starved to death...and that debris is highly poisonous and corrosive. Leave an egg salad out in the sun for a week and eat it, it will either make you sick or kill you. But it's not contagious, you have to eat it, snort it or inject it into your blood stream...otherwise it's just a bowl of poison. Some people become so toxic, acidic and starved of oxygen or poisoned from pesticides that their own bacteria literally start to eat them alive, cleaning out the massive toxicity and acidity...which will happen to those who take the mRNA jabs...and this is what you would call a flesh eating disease in rare cases...but it's their own body eating their own dying flesh...not a flying germ from the jungle.
ShiYuMeng: Correct. Koch's postulates have never proven bacteria or viruses are the cause of disease.
goopis: why would you say bacteria comes from the inside of a cell?
Spacebusters: because it has been observed, recorded and documented for over 100 years using higher magnification light microscopy and somatic scopes by people like Bechamp, Gaston Næssons, Dr. Stefan Lanka, Dr Robert O'Young and all of the bacteriologists mentioned in this film and in the precursor to this film, which we cover in the last 20 minutes of the long version, if you want to watch that...

nedalien: Fun fact...90 percent of everything you were taught was so rich guys could enslave you.

Catlovingcathy: https://www.sott.net/article/434959-Did-psychopath-Rockefeller-create-the-Spanish-Flu-pandemic-of-1918 - Bacterial pneumonia caused by dirty, damp masks.
Catlovingcathy: Check out website verite-covid19.fr 3rd video down “Warning Vaccine”. It’s all there - who, where, when, why. I knew cv19 had HIV & malaria spliced into it but couldn’t see why. HIV or AIDS of course suppresses your immune system. The wax sheen will completely remove a body’s ability to fight any disease whatsoever. As the video says, it’s the perfect crime against humanity.


Cov-19 Immunity in 19 Minutes | Spacebusters https://www.bitchute.com/video/EdffVJbFxb96/ - April 21st, 2021channel/7G0nwr24Sqy3: Would be nice if you had links for all these claims in the description.

Spacebusters: all here in the longer version of this film in the description section. You should watch the real full film.

Virology Debunks Corona | Spacebusters https://www.bitchute.com/video/YKktYdEGBRnP/
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⁣Why You Can't Catch A Virus, ⁣Great Explanation, Spacebusters
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