3 years ago
⁣What kind of men
believe everything they are told without question because the information comes
from someone with “credentials”? What type of men allow their women to be
persecuted? What kind of men are told
which direction to walk in a supermarket? What kind of men allow themselves to
be instructed on where to stand and what businesses are essential or
non-essential? What kind of men put on a face diaper because of peer pressure of
a false narrative being propagated by the lying media? What kind of men allow
their government to tell them not to assemble in groups of more than 10 for a
family Thanksgiving dinner or for more than two hours? What kind of man let’s
his representative tell him not to go to church or sing church hymns? What kind of man can’t visit his elderly
mother in a nursing home because the governor said it is not safe? What kind of
men line up to have murdered babies injected into their bodies? What kind of
men beg for government handouts and expect entitlements? What kind of men
self-censor their speech because they are afraid of losing their social media
account or their job? What kind of men
willingly drive their women to government sponsored baby murdering factories?
What kind of men must produce paperwork in order to justify travel through
government checkpoints in a country their founders fought and died for? What kind of men must ask for permission and
a license to fish or hunt or to even build a pond on his own property or sell a
medicinal salve to his neighbor? What kind of men allow red flag laws to be
used to take away his firearms because a neighbor has complained? What type of
men allow and encourage their women into the military to fight their own
battles? What kind of men turn a blind eye at innocents in prison, judicial
corruption and medical tyranny? At what point does living in this cesspool of
corruption, lies, deceit and wickedness indicate that we are complicit in the
lying? There are things worse than
death. Choose ye this day…
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