The High Importance of the Meaning of Words
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The High Importance of the Meaning of Words

While doing biblical research on the internet I came across some very interesting videos by a man who claims to be Christian. Much of what he said was true, and could be verified, but the more I watched his videos the more questions I had, and the more suspicious I became. I felt like he was manipulating his viewers, but I wasn’t sure how.

So I prayed about this, asking God if these were true Christian videos, or a cleverly disguised deception. God told me that it is highly important to know the meaning of words, and gave me some words who’s definitions I needed to look up. I did so and immediately discovered that the man in question is not a Christian but a gnostic who subtly deceives Christians into believing unbiblical views.

You Are Easily Manipulated When You Don’t Know the Definition of Words

Word-play and manipulation is like a magician’s trick. If you don’t know what to look for you can be easily fooled. The word magician can lead you on a path you normally would not go, by using words that you think you know the definition of, but actually do not.

Politicians are masters of this. Often they will describe something that sounds good, but if you know the definitions of the proper words you will discover that what they seem to propose is actually the opposite of what they desire. In this way people believe they are voting for certain policies and laws when they are really voting against them.

How many voters know the true definitions of the following words?:
Fascism - Socialism - Capitalism - Communism - Liberalism - Conservatism - Republic - Democracy

Common English has a certain meaning, but in law the same word can have a totally different definition. In a court of law it is of extreme importance to know the legal definition of words. Even words and names using lower case and capital letters have a different legal meaning than words and names written in all capital letters. Do an internet search for "why legal name is all capitals" or "birth certificate name in all caps" and see what comes up. Do you know the meaning of "maritime law" or "admiralty law"?

Of course, many religious leaders, evangelists, preachers and new agers use words to fool their followers as well. Wolves in sheep’s clothing are far easier to spot when you know the definition of religious or belief systems like: Christianity - Pentecostalism - Calvinism - Gnosticism - Agnosticism - Animism - Protestantism - Catholicism - Judaism - Islamism - Theism - Atheism and so forth.

Even when you know the meaning of words they can still be used against you if you are not aware of the manipulation. Many things, people and situations are renamed in order to reframe your beliefs.

The media will use sensationalism to distort the facts of a news report to excite the audience and to form biased impressions. The media also puts its spin on a story, which is a form of propaganda. They will spin words like "homophobia" or "Islamophobia" to push a certain agenda or belief.

Advertisements in all its forms use a number of tactics in which words are used to influence the audience to make a buying decision, whether it is beneficial or harmful for the consumer. There are many words used in a copywriter’s arsenal to trigger emotions, like: guaranteed, money-back, scarce, limited-time, quality, now, powerful, secrets, special offer, free and bonus.

At a higher level many advertisers, media outlets, religious leaders, lawyers, writers, musicians and politicians use words to hypnotize people.

Words Have Different Meanings According to Situation, Context and Time

Situation: The meaning of a word can change according to the situation you are in. For example; in an informal setting the word "kill" is probably used to mean "to cause the death of something." But in court it can mean "to cancel an investment transaction prior to the system receiving its posting." If you are in the United States and you hear the word "bird" it refers to the animal, but in England it is used to describe "a very young female." In the USA a "casket" means coffin, but in Great Britain in means "a box to store jewelry or trinkets."

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