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Sharia Law

362 Views - Published on 30 Nov, 2020
⁣Sharia Law is a track off "The Flat Earth Movement Album" available here:

https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=sr_nr_i_20?rh=k:eric dubay,i:popular&keywords=eric dubay&ie=UTF8&qid=1539316031

This Inuit chick had an ass fantastic, her Eskimo bro implied it was
plastic, I said I dunno go ask that Alaskan, but it was too cold so I
went back to Nebraska, didn’t even ask her, kinda regretted it, coulda
done better then got myself on sedatives, couldn’t forget her and fucked
with my head a bit, turned into a celibate, learned Wing Chun, moved to
China for the hell of it. Shaolin nun said, “son you’re an idiot. Don’t
make a big deal of it, I’mma tell you some truth, your choice what you
do with it, but listen up while I tell you what’s what. The moon is cold
and the sun is hot. They both move but the Earth does not. NASA lies
and the Masons got government ties inside the lodge. It’s like Yin Yang
on their tracing board, chess-like floors Bobby Fischer abhors, scores
and scores of their flip-mode whores, social engineers of the Brave New
World. They’ve lied so long even they’ve forgot, what’s gonna happen
when they get caught. The whole world’s fucked and it’s all their fault.
Let’s lock them up and call them a cult.” Their very existence is an
insult to all free people and God above, locked in their windowless
lodges because, the darkness is where their souls get love. Sacrifice
lambs for their apron cloth, on pentagram floors with the lights turned
off, candles burn while these warlocks scoff, let’s shut ‘em down like
old Adolf did when he rid them from Germany. Stop giving liars your
sympathy. Good deeds have no need for secrecy. You do them in the light
for everyone to see. Synagogues, Mosques, and Freemasonry should be
banned in white countries. There is no room for diversity in
multi-cultural ideology, just a brown melting pot stirred by the Jews,
saying black lives matter while they fake you the news. Trash your
national identity, then it’s easy to sell you their PC, bullshit version
of reality, where white’s become the minority, in their own homelands
they’re no longer free. Sharia law’s on its way from the East. Grab 4
wives and beat them with reeds. Don’t let them drive and teach them to
be slaves to the men in their family, wear black like a mask for their
whole body. Hey, let’s pray, 5 times a day, to annoying loudspeakers
from miles away. Nah, Allah akbar’s better off from afar, leave Jafar
and his entourage off at Qatar.

Eric Dubay

Eric Dubay

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