RISE 162 - LIVE! (Click Down Arrow For Show Details)
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🌅SEAN WARD/PHILLY J LAY Podcast: https://www.instagram.com/p/Ct38GcLqJPk/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MjAxZDBhZDhlNA==
🌅Activist MAD MIX https://rumble.com/v2ulywa-lgbtqp-whats-the-p-for-mad-mix.html
🌅Commentator ANTHONY WEBBER: Ukraine https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/629895
🌅ZAYNA IMAN: “What happened with the missing hours after Manchester Police arrested me?” @ImanZayna
🌅PROFESSOR MICHAEL NORTON, RICHARD VOBES & TERRI WILCOX: "Clive Freeman is an innocent man, a political prisoner who is dying in prison even though a crime was not committed.” https://empowerinnocent.wixsite.com/ccrcwatch/post/freedom-for-freeman
🌅MARK AND TERRI LYNN STEMANN: Child Stealing By The State - USA
🌅Therapist LUCINDA LIDSTONE: Viewers Dilemma - The longterm impact of child abuse triggered by grief https://www.ascwellbeingclinic.co.uk/1child-2/

Angie Yawn - 1 year ago
Good morning y’all

Squigglemonster88 - 1 year ago
Silent Counselling is a very interesting concept and, from what I have heard, works wonders for a lot of people! I had a trial session last year from someone who was needing a ‘case study’ as part of her training and I found it very relaxing and very very interesting.
I know an ex-nurse who was one of the first, if not the first nurse who spoke out about the horrors going on in Scottish Hospitals during the first lockdown. She quit the same day and has since rebuilt her life and retrained as a silent counsellor as well as other holistic medicines. I wonder if you would be interested in getting in touch with her? Or I can see if she would be up for contacting and having a chat with yourself?
Her name is Kirsty Isabel and can currently be found on ‘The Energy Nurse’ page on Facebook. She has been highly censored since speaking out and has had multiple fb pages taken down/removed however this seems to be a good way of contacting her for the time being.
Love your show btw! It’s what gets me up on a Monday and can’t wait to have the Friday show back also!

Amandasharp - 1 year ago
Soooo Happy Your Back Love You 2 to Pieces Whoooo Hoooo Love Love Love ❤️ Xxxxxxxxxx
Ellekay20 - 1 year ago