“What They Deserve” by Thaddeus McDougleberry
⁣"What they deserve"

People — they aren’t equal
And don’t deserve to treated

Rather, they deserve
To be treated
According to what they deserve

Some men are princes
And some men are paupers
And most are somewhere in between

Some men are kings
And some men are wretches
And some are the inverse
Of what they’re just pretending to be

All men are guilty
Few men are free
And, oh, that’s just fine by me

Slavery isn’t a condition
It’s something that you’re born as
And never can hope to escape

For every fair thinker
And every true artist
There’s ten million glossy-eyed apes

Let’s speak of the spirit
And never of riches
And let’s let true justice decide

What constitutes order
And what we should value
And who is to live and to die
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