Morgellons "Red Wine Spit Test'
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3 years ago
⁣The Morgellons Red Wine Test. (Apple Cider Vinegar works too)
1) Swish red wine in mouth for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
2) Spit it into a dish.
3) Add 70% alcohol.
4) Watch the reaction.
--What are Morgellons? - A tiny Fungus (mycelium)
--Are Morgellons real? Absoutely 100% scientifically verified.
--Are they sprayed in Chemtrails? They've been found in rain it's possible
--Does the red wine spit test show Morgellons? No Idea! I'm on the fence about this.
I don't know much about this topic except I've heard for years you do this test and then watch them squirming. first glance I tend to think something else must be happening here..wondering if anybody else has a scientific explanation for this or has ever tried it.
SOURCE VIDEO: (with lots of comments worth reading)
Harald Kautz - Vella Speaks On Morgellons (a Very good overview with pictures)
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