AV6 - Dr Graham Downing THIS IS NOT NEW
2 years ago
⁣LINK ⁣https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1SkVZvjUyQ
⁣23,588 views Jan 24, 2016. THIS IS NOT NEW

It seems that with every passing week another assault is launched against the health of ourselves and children.

Whether it be vaccination unnecessarily administered against relatively harmless diseases; the over-prescription of cholesterol lowering medication even though cholesterol doesn't cause heart disease; or GMOs and Roundup taking over our food supply amidst mounting evidence against its use.

Common sense dictates that we pause and investigate just what IS happening to us.
When it comes to vaccination and GMOs the word Autism isn’t far behind…and the observation has been made that autistic children are the modern day Canary in the coal mine and are a dire warning of what is to come for all mankind.

I remember unravelling DNA in the labs of King’s College, then under the directorship of one of the men that discovered it, Prof. Wilkins. Little did I know then how important that knowledge would be today.

Dr Downing's FACTUAL RESEARCHwill reveal how your DNA Codes are under attack and why and how you need to defend them.


Dr. Graham S. Downing is a consultant in Neuro-musculoskeletal & Functional Medicine. He graduated from King’s College London University where he trained in the clinical sciences and molecular biology and attended the Randall Institute as a research student whilst still under the Directorship of Dr Wilkins, Nobel prize winner for his co-discovery of DNA; and European Institute of Health and Medical Sciences, Surrey University where he received an MSc with a specialist area of research in psychoneuroimmunology in the clinical practice.

Dr. Downing was invited to read for a Ph.D at Oxford’s leading research institute, Sir William Dunn School of Pathology but decided on a clinical career instead. He is one of only two doctors in Europe that have received training at consultant level in diagnosis and treatment of internal medical disorders at the Texas Chiropractic College, USA; and advanced Wilderness medicine.

His specialist fields are neuro-musculoskeletal & functional Medicine (with a focus on fertility, endocrinology, infection and gastro-intestinal problems). He has produced science and clinical reports since February 1993 and medico-legal reports since April 2010 as an expert witness.

He is currently President and Director of Clinical Education for a European organisation that sets standards of clinical proficiency and trains healthcare providers, including medical doctors, chiropractors, osteopaths, physiotherapists, herbalists, homoeopaths, nutritionist, functional medicine doctors and other health disciplines to consultant level.
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