Massive Over 1 Hr Long March Over 250,000 PEOPLE PROTEST IN AMSTERDAM Anti Covid-19 Vaccine Passport
⁣Massive Over 1 Hr Long March Over 250,000 PEOPLE PROTEST IN AMSTERDAM Anti Covid-19 Vaccine Passport

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Link for this vid on my Bitchute channel AllTheWorldsAStage ⁣

⁣World Alternative Media

Josh Sigurdson reports on the ground of what many are calling the largest protest in the history of The Netherlands as 250,000 people (according to police estimates) take to the streets in a protest actually lead by police against the mandatory green pass which is said to come into place at the end of September.
Organizers were expecting anywhere from 10,000 to 50,000 people to show up. 45 minutes before the event even started, there were already more than 10,000 people in the "Dam Square" in Amsterdam. This quickly snowballed into 50,000 people.
It was unclear for most of the event how many people were attending, but the event was loud and took over streets for around 9kms. Downtown Amsterdam was essentially shut down on all main roads as furious and passionate individuals came out in massive numbers to refuse the coercive, tyrannical and evil jab passports which are taking over Europe as we speak.
In this video, we report on the ground at this historic event and get the best vantage points we can get while interviewing several activists, from a flight attendant to a 30 year police officer to a local activist sick and tired of the fascistic restrictions and now attack on basic bodily autonomy.
This is historic documentation, so please share everywhere.

Stay tuned for more videos on the ground throughout Europe and the rest of the world!
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