29 K Views - Published on 07 Aug, 2023
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Francis O'Neill: News Review ⁣🌅 Big Agenda: ULEZ ⁣🌅Big Questions: Dan Wootton ⁣🌅What Wakes People Up (And What Keeps Them Asleep)? ⁣🌅Doula & Mother of Twins: Sarah Hawkings ⁣The Inhumanity Of Twin Studies & How To Improve Them ⁣https://www.instagram.com/douladoula_sarah/ ⁣🌅Former Civil Servant & Whistleblower. Terry Edge: The Truth Is Being Suppressed About Grenfell Deaths ⁣http://www.toxicsofa.com ⁣🌅Spirtual Guide & Shamanic Healer: Dawn Paul: Why Are People Thinking Too Small & How To Change That ⁣https://www.liberate-online.co.uk Plus Elon Musk's extraordinary legal offer & Rishi Sunak - The PM links & why it should trouble us all
Sonia Poulton

Sonia Poulton

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 Catherine Avatar
Catherine - 11 months ago
Sonia, Bev & Zoe please accept my apologies I feel like I have let you girls down! I got really poorly while watching last weeks show , my sons found me passed out on the floor & I ended up in hospital. I was due to start a session with Bev but unfortunately couldn’t I’m so sorry I let you all down & Zoe I feel like I robbed you of a opportunity to speak with Bev. Cath x

 shin Avatar
shin - 11 months ago
Great show guys! Again!!! Thank you so much for the plug... 19k views now! WOW!!! here's the link https://onevsp.com/watch/ONlQY9aHGwugDr0 and here's this week's upload https://onevsp.com/watch/1I7gs91gyRNBIXp next week Cély's special mossels recipe... xxx RISE makes the week! come back on fridays!!!

 Drumstick Avatar
Drumstick - 11 months ago
Wonderful show as always, Sonia + Sean. Wish I could have been there live, but already started new job which I start early (8 AM DK time)...so won't be able to join as many mornings as I used to, unfortunately. Will still watch the shows. :) An idea: Instead of two morning shows (Mon+Fri), how about one morning show, and one evening show? That Wednesday afternoon show you did, I noticed other Risers in the Chat who were suggesting to have an afternoon show a week; perhaps in replacement of one of the morning shows? I hope you consider it, as more people will be able to join live after work. For those of us still on a payroll. ;) D.

 janette53 Avatar
janette53 - 11 months ago
Grenfell was a regentrification exercise...planned well in advance

 janette53 Avatar
janette53 - 11 months ago
I viewed your report on this Sonia - did you investigate the history of this area and who actually owns the land to date?! - It smells like regentrification at its finest...As for the folk that allegedlydied` in this inferno - and the reports as to how this fire started - false flag IMO! - There are too many discrepancies...

 janette53 Avatar
janette53 - 11 months ago
{They} wanted rid of the riff raff - {they} wanted rid of this menacing looking out of place building from the now regentrified area - folk refused to leave - so what better way than to create a false flag ....

 thinkoutsidethebox Avatar
thinkoutsidethebox - 11 months ago
We are Governed by consent in this country, no consent no fine, you are being offered a contract, I send all letters landing on the doorstep back to them in the post with these very Important words NO CONTRACT RETURN TO SENDER then simple pop it back in the post box no stamp needed, It is your right in law to refuse any contract that you do not like