nano, vaccine, jab, covid 19, coronavirus, bill gates, who

Nano Vaccines and Paralysis + how to copyright your genome

207 Views - Published on 13 Sep, 2020

From the trails of AstraZeneca's CV vaccine results in Oxford to the implantation of a QR code which cannot be seen by the human eye and can last up to five years enabling big-pharma and governments to track your vaccination history.I will also take a look at what might be a solution to local-lockdowns if you ever find yourself standing up for your rights and finally an Idea that was around many years ago under copyright laws that could put a block on the efforts by many to test and inject you...and yes the reason I think this episode is as powerful as I think it is simply because I may have found a way to halt the big-pharma drive to enslave us all using their existing laws and yes it is all perfectly legal and if ignore will have serious repercussions...for them...I make no promises these remedies will work in protecting you and your loved ones but I hope at the very least it will give you something to think about.See you on the other side...
The Compendium

The Compendium

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