4 years ago
⁣Covid-19 vaccine may be ready by October, says Donald Trump. Not only does he affirm this, he also states that the vaccine will be safe.
Having total faith in the pharmaceutical companies that are fast producing the vaccine for the masses.

ELAVI TRUTH TV weighs in on this matter and poses some serious questions about the nature of the vaccine's safety. Are people's lives being put at risk? Is there another agenda behind the reason why a vaccine that
usually takes many years to produce, has been created in less than a year?

Is it really possible to create a safe vaccine operating at warp speed and the powers that be really have humanity's best interest at heart?

this is a turning point for humanity and we need to know exactly what we are about to have thrust upon us.

Trials of a Covid-19 vaccine under development by Oxford University and AstraZeneca have been put on hold after one British patient fell ill.

AstraZeneca said on Tuesday night that the late-stage studies of the vaccine had been paused while the company investigates whether the
patient’s reported side effect is connected with the vaccine.

No further information about the test subject's condition has been revealed, with the company saying they were suffering “a potentially
unexplained illness”.
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