MemoryBank 1 - Sunny Thunderstorm/ Sunday door Knocking
4 years ago
I have no firm point where to begin to tell my story, it could be just about any of the hundreds of strange memories i have from my i simply decided to start with this one, because it was such a startling & traumatizing experience.

I hope to be able to bring some sort of relief to other people whom have experienced abuse in their lives, and anyone who suffers from "strange memories' /anomalies as it was, that defy all normal logical explanations. By that i do not necessarily mean something so called supernatural, although such ocurrences are not excluded from possible explanations.

Without further adoo, here is the first video, jumping right in to the -hot spot- of strange and traumatizing memories. Next time, i don't yet not what i will talk about, but wherever this video docu journey takes me, you will find a red thread running through most, if not all of one way or the other.
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