COVID-19 FRAUD: Delusional Psychosis Dr.Mark McDonald
3 years ago
⁣The Way Forward Overcoming Fear
Dr.Mark McDonald


Stage 1: Fear and Hysteria
Stage 2: Delusional Psychosis
Stage 3: Group Control

Partial Transcript follow:

"When I last spoke, I talked about fear as the primary reason why this pandemic has been sustained and continued. It's not due to the virus. As we heard earlier today with the voluminous amount of information that has been attained and collated and spread for the last few months. The disease is over , the pandemic is over. The pandemic of hysteria continues. And that is really the cause of our poor situation today.

I believe that now its not just FEAR thats taking hold of the country , we've moved further from fear which is what the government and those hold in power exercised as a weapon to control us and limit our movements and to prevent us from sending children to school, from going to work. Asked us to isolate ourselves, wear face masks, all of which we know is nonsense. In fact it is actually cauing harm, it is not a neutral action, it is a harmful action."


"Conditioned Americans to largely believe that all of the measures and the fear is actually real , true and helpful."

"Now we are told that fear is good. Fear is necessary, in fact, fear is a virtue. We really should be afraid. And when someone in position of authority says -WE DON"T NEED TO BE AFRAID, WE SHOULD EXPRESS COURAGE-, that person is castigated, looked at as not only stupid but dangerous."


"The problem now in this country , is that alot of people have developed what I call a mental illness. There is a pandemic, not just of fear and hysteria alone, but a pandemic now of DELUSIONAL PSYCHOSIS."


"Everything that we've seen today proves irrefutably that there is no reason for us to either (1) be afraid, (2) or to distance ourselves from others physically, (3) or to wear masks, (4) or a number of other ridiculous measures that we've seen instituted in the last six months. And yet people are doing it. And they're not just doing it out of fear, they're doing it because they think it is a moral duty."


"I now can no longer fly on Delta Airlines. I have been officially banned. Because I didn't have a face mask on for three minutes and thirty seconds. This is not a government rule, this is a corporation that made this decision...
So now we have individual and corporations that are pushing this.
Pushing this DELUSIONAL PSYCHOSIS, into what I would say is the third stage which is what I am very very fearful of right now. Which is group control. "

"We started out with FEAR, and hysteria, we moved to DELUSIONAL PSYCHOSIS, and now we have GROUP CONTROL."

"We have our fellow citizens castigating us, legally limiting us from getting into vehicles, going into businesses, getting jobs..."


What is this called?
This is exactly like they have in Communist China.

We have nothing to fear but fear itself.
Be brave. Have courage.
Do not allow yourselves to be manipulated by fear.
Create LOVE, not fear.

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