Ryan Dawson, Yakuza, Japan, Osaka

Ryan Dawson | 08-06-2020 | Yakuza double headbutt

133 Views - Published on 07 Aug, 2020
⁣08-06-2020 | Yakuza double headbutt


So the first part was two gangs fighting throwing bottles and punching knives and melee. afterward, I start filming the outskirts and these guys are mad at the guy in the red shirt and his friend because they didn't protect the boss. I got the very tail end.

the boss you don't see but he was super drunk and laying on the ground with his feet up by the 711. the underboss has a white shirt and gold chain he was Korean/Japanese and that is who did the headbutts. he was the number 2 guy.

the guy in blue and another guy in blue not shown with tattoos everywhere noticed my filming and came to me.

Most of the real fight was with this group and a yamaguchigumi controlled bar. Only two actual yamaguchi were there plus four bozo jr gang members. vs these nine guys and probably oh five or six who just tried to break it up.

I was followed later and luckily saw two guys and a girl from my church who I got a ride without of there.

we saw two more large street brawls just blocks away.

the mafia is in a full civil war and Corona chan has made it worse as most of their supply chain from China is gone and most of the business front they use are shut down.

two people were stabbed and taken by ambulance. many people were btfo including one woman who got knocked the F out.

I have quietly been encouraging this as I hate the loud biker gang. possibly the seeds I planted are finally making fruit.

it's a long long story some of the long term listeners know."

Ryan's comment:
"⁣⁣So the first part was two gangs fighting throwing bottles and punching knives and melee. afterwards I start filming the outskirts and these guys are mad at the guy in the red shirt and his friend because they didn't protect the boss. I got the very tail end.

the boss you don't see but he was super drunk and laying on the ground with his feet up by the 711. the underboss has a white shirt and hold chain he was korean/japanese and that is who did the headbutts. he was the number 2 guy.

the guy in blue and another guy in blue not shown with tattoos everywhere noticed my filming and came to me.

Most of the real fight was with this group and a yamaguchigumi controlled bar. Only two actual yamaguchi were there plus four bozo jr gang members. vs these nine guys and probably oh five or six who just tried to break it up.

I was followed later and luckily saw two guys and a girl from my church who I got a ride with out of there.

we saw two more large street brawls just blocks away.

the mafia is in full civil war and Corona chan has made it worse as most of their supply chain from China is gone and most of the business front they use are shut down.

two people were stabbed and taken by ambulance. many people were btfo including one women who got knocked the F out.

I have quietly been encouraging this as I hate the loud biker gang. possibly the seeds I planted are finally making fruit.

it's a long long story some of the long term listeners know.

I was being ng followed until people I knew happened to pick me up."

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xiao li

xiao li

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