Vaccine tracking IS 666 mark of the beast (covid, coronavirus)
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4 years ago
The vaccine is a smoke screen. The end goal is to track humans by putting a permanant marker on them. This marker will then be used to give you permissions to buy/sell, as the 666 verse in the bible says.

⁣This video demonstrates how the vaccines will be tracked. They will put **permanent markers** on people. Its for BG blockchain economy built on 'stamp trust'

**This video demonstrates how the vaccines will be tracked.**

Couple of things to notice:

- it is pressed on the skin making application simple for the lay adminstrator
- it leaves behind so called 'Luciferase' marks (see note below)
- these marks are detectable by an app with a camera filter.
- the marks encode a unique user id. like a license number unique to each person.
- once marked, you become an SKU. wherein your rights/privileages must be continually granted by the authorities (much like windows software licensing keys was done by bill gates)
- on the timer you can see written 'vaccine tracking'.

so we have here a way to mark a human with a unique id granted by an authority. the mark is impossible to remove. and apps/commerce can be built around it giving access or removing access to critical services (much like today you need a mask to enter a store)
Luciferase is a generic term for the class of oxidative enzymes that produce bioluminescence. similar to what fireflys have
source: ⁣
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