Rand Paul Sells America Out to the Vaccine Corporations
2 years ago
⁣See description below. Rand Paul has mentioned on several occasions that he is not taking it because he has had covid. I did not know he had any financial interests in any vaccines, but no surprise.

⁣Controlled Opposition - Good Cop, Bad Cop
Rand Paul disclosure shows his wife bought stock in COVID-19 treatment in late filing. The Kentucky senator disclosed his wife’s purchase on Wednesday, August 11, 2021, more than 16 months after the legal deadline for such disclosures by a member of Congress. Rand Paul sits on the Senate health committee, which was briefed on the coronavirus threat a month before his wife purchased the Gilead shares. Rand Paul and his wife had not bought or sold stock in an individual company in at least 10 years when Kelley Paul purchased shares of the drug company Gilead Sciences in early 2020. On Feb. 26, 2020, the day Kelley Paul bought the shares, there were only 14 "declared" cases of Covid in the United States.
Instead of stopping these vaccines that has murdered hundreds of thousands and injured millions, world wide, Rand Paul stands up and asks for more vaccines.
Not a word about natural immunity, Herd immunity and better physical health and better healthcare, just more vaccines. Now we know why. And Rand Paul won't even take the vaccine himself?
How about instead of just fighting with Fauci, you actually file a lawsuit against him, how about having him being arrested for crime against humanity. It is looking like it has all been about political theater, acting at it's finest.
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