Corona Pandemic or “War of the Worlds” Syndrome |
3 years ago
⁣Once the radio play "War of the Worlds" caused people to panic because they thought fiction was reality. Today, the Corona pandemic is putting humanity in a state of fear and terror. But how can people distinguish reality from fiction? - ⁣

On October 30, 1938, the American radio station CBS broadcasted the radio play "War of the Worlds" by director Orson Welles. The radio program described how at that moment hostile aliens from Mars attacked the United States with poison gas and laser weapons - there was talk of attacks and fatalities. The director repeatedly interrupted the music program with breaking news, called in alleged experts to lend credibility to the horror scenario and even allowed supposed eyewitnesses to speak. This made the radio play seem as real as an actual news program. At the beginning of the broadcast, the station had pointed out that the following program was a fictitious story. However, many listeners had not noticed this because they only tuned in later. As a result, many people thought that the freely invented story of the radio play was real news. The citizens were so frightened that they called the police and the radio station with concern. Some even panicked and fled the city with their families. Some cloud formations on the horizon were mistaken for extraterrestrial poison gas clouds. Even a coincidental simultaneous power outage was attributed to the alien attack by frightened people. From today's perspective, the frightened radio listeners of that time may seem naive and gullible and their reactions ridiculous, because they were so easily fooled by a media pro-duction. From a psychological point of view, one can speak here of the “War of the Worlds Syn-drome”* when media representation is confused with reality. But what possibilities would the radio listeners have had to distinguish truth from fiction? For a start, they could have trusted their person-al perception more than the media coverage. Then they would have noticed that there were no alien spaceships flying around above them and that they had never met an alien in person. They could also have asked their neighbors and friends whether they had recently seen an alien spaceship or an alien in person or whether they at least had concrete evidence that an alien attack was taking place. But people could also have simply changed the channel to see if the alternative channels were also reporting about the terrible attacks. Perhaps many people also did this and by their own observa-tions, sober thinking and alternative information realized the truth: namely that the extraterrestrial attack was obviously a fantasy story. But some people blindly trusted the media staging and pan-icked. Today, in the year 2020, a corona pandemic is announced on all mainstream stations. That is why many people are afraid, avoid their fellow humans and walk around in public with face-masks. But can people see for themselves how serious this pandemic is? Well, they could first of all trust their personal perception and ask themselves how many people in their environment have clearly fallen ill or even died of Corona. They could also ask friends, acquaintances or their family doctor how many people they know who are clearly suffering from Corona, or have even died of it. After all, a pandemic is characterized by the fact that a great many people become seriously ill and many die from it. This should then be clearly noticeable in everyone’s personal environment. But they could also just change the channel and see what the alternative channels are reporting on this topic. Because whoever informs himself from diverse independent sources and trusts in common sense, is less susceptible to the “War of the worlds syndrome”.

*Syndrome = symptom complex / psychological phenomenon



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