Corona and Using Fear |
3 years ago
⁣Since the outbreak of the Corona pandemic, the media in France have created a climate of fear. Previously there were regular riots during strikes and street demonstrations, but now the streets of Paris are suddenly empty. Has the health crisis thus suddenly become a blessing and aided the government to create a climate of fear and thus make it easier to push through reforms? - ⁣

The coronavirus has been the subject of a worldwide media panic campaign for months. In France, the media have created and maintained a climate of fear. Well-prepared interviews aimed at stirring up emotions, the number of deaths was constantly counted, images of coffins and hospitals appeared again and again. Commercials reminded people all day long of the corona protection measures. In his television address from the 12th of March, 2020, French President Emmanuel Macron took a serious tone. He used shocking words like "We are at war" and also declared:
"The government will mobilize all the necessary financial resources to provide aid to save lives, whatever the cost. Given this situation, the absolute priority for our nation will be our health".

But when we look at other areas, such as the new 5G wireless technology and its impact on health, when hundreds of scientists write a letter to him pointing out the danger this technology poses to people and nature, what follows is no reaction - complete silence. This contradiction suggests that the government is not really concerned about people's health after all. So what motivates them to provoke this fear through the media?

- Looking at which events preceded the “Covid 19 crisis”, it was mainly the Yellow-Vest movement with their street demonstrations and violent clashes with the police.
- The pension reform also caused a lot of commotion and especially strikes by French railroad employees.
- Although riots in France regularly occur during strikes and street demonstrations as soon as reforms are presented to the people, these recent protest movements have taken on an extraordinary scale. Unlike other countries, the French people are known for protest and rebellion. Now, as if by magic, the streets of Paris, which yesterday were the scene of violent clashes, are suddenly so empty that you can hear the birds singing. To achieve this, it was enough to frighten people with words and pictures and to convince them that health is the first priority.
Has the “health crisis” suddenly become a blessing for the government?

In fact, it is interesting to note that now after the Covid 19 crisis, according to an IFOP survey, 75% of French people are in favor of vaccination. In comparison: 2017, when the government aimed to introduce 11 vaccines for children, according to the Odoxa and France Inter poll: 56% were against it.
Cash has also recently been presented as a carrier of disease. According to a study conducted by Geneva University Hospitals, flu viruses can survive on banknotes for up to two weeks. Since this crisis, many stores no longer accept cash. Is this a welcome opportunity to accelerate the elimination of cash?
Another area that also needs to be addressed in this context is the monitoring of cell phones through corona apps, which are being presented as a solution to contain the pandemic.
Important to note here, is that on April 12th, 2020, the Ministry of the Interior launched a call for tender for 3.8 million euros for the purchase of drones. These are intended for observation, surveillance, research, reconnaissance and intelligence and are meant for internal national security purposes.
Without most citizens giving themselves account of what is happening, the corona test, for example, could turn into a surveillance possibility on the part of the government!
These examples show that it is much easier to carry out reforms if you scare people! Then it works without any problems, suddenly everything becomes easy. There is almost no more resistance, the fueled fear of the corona virus helps to get people to swallow issues like cash abolition, vaccinations and surveillance of citizens.

Scott Jensen, American doctor and senator already put it very well as follows:

"Fear is a great way to control people, and sometimes people's ability to think for themselves is paralyzed. I don't want that for them, I want people to say, we are going to overcome this, I am going to use my head, I am going to look for different sources, I am going to listen to these sources, and I am going to think for myself".


Pétition contre 5G:

Sondage IFOP:

Sondage Odoxa/France Inter:

Argent liquide:


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