Abuse of the PCR test: Why its inventor would protest loudly | www.kla.tv/17725
3 years ago
⁣PCR tests are meant to reflect the number of corona infected persons and therefore the state of the corona epidemic. Accordingly, the governments have been imposing compulsory measures, including a total lockdown. However, what if the inventor of the test had never intended it to be used for corona detection, even considers it unsuitable? - ⁣www.kla.tv/17725

⁣Anyone who turns on a radio or TV set, opens a newspaper or surfs the Internet today cannot help but notice that the latest figures on corona infections in our country and in other regions of the world are constantly being presented to us as rising. These are derived from the positive results of PCR tests, with which the population is increasingly being tested. However, here it is permitted to ask: Is the PCR test, which is supposed to detect the corona virus, even suitable for detecting an infection with Covid-19? The best way to find out would be to ask the inventor of the method!
Unfortunately, this is no longer possible because Kary B. Mullis, a US biochemist who, together with Michael Smith, received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1993 for the development of the "polymerase chain reaction" (PCR), already died in August 2019. At that time, however, he was strictly against using the PCR test to detect the HI virus, which is similar to Covid-19.This is because the PCR method works more or less like a magnifying glass. A sample is multiplied very often, so that the smallest amounts of a substance in it can be detected. The corona PCR test is now used to detect gene sequences of covid-19. However, one should not imagine that the PCR test would provide a simple yes or no result, as is the case with a pregnancy test.The test is too unspecified for this. A positive result simply means that something is present that looks like a gene sequence of Covid-19,
but could also be a sequence of the many other corona viruses, or something else entirely. Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Doctor of Medicine at the Medical University of South Carolina, is firmly convinced that the corona PCR test does not detect covid-19 but exosomes. Exosomes are regularly ejected by cells, and particularly frequently when the cells are attacked, for example by toxins such as environmental toxins, heavy metals, chemical substances, bacterial toxins, psychological stress such as anxiety caused by cancer, ion radiation, injuries, various diseases, a normal cold, for instance, and many more. So: Whenever a cell is damaged, exosomes appear on the scene. Prof. James Hildreth, President and Chief Executive Officer of Meharry Medical College, formerly a professor at Johns Hopkins University, stated: Exosomes and the virus that is supposed to trigger COVID-19 are very similar. To differentiate between them does not work with a PCR test. This could lead to a very high rate of false positive test results. Dr. Kaufman estimates this rate at 80%. Moreover, the test cannot tell whether people whose test is actually corona-positive are sick. Nevertheless, patients with positive tests, regardless of their general condition, are listed as corona-positive and sent into quarantine!
So it is on these extremely wobbly feet of PCR testing that drastic measures against the so-called corona pandemic, such as compulsory masks as well as distance and hygiene rules and quarantine, are now being imposed, up to and including a total lockdown, by which social and economic life is almost completely wrecked.
As a result of the test, suddenly everyone is potentially at risk of being sent into quarantine - even repeatedly. Every small business is potentially at risk of being temporarily closed. The danger is becoming omnipresent, a climate of fear is developing. Through fear, a person is easy to rule and accepts measures that they would otherwise never have accepted. Even more, in his state of fear, a person is even willing to stand up against their supposedly Covid-19-positive-tested fellow human beings. As we saw, all this, on the shaky feet of a misapplied PCR test, which was never invented for this purpose by its inventor. Do you want to counteract this? Then spread this information among acquaintances and in social media as long as it is still possible!


Kary B. Mullis und sein PCR-Test



Was sind Exosome?
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