Message de France Soir : Pétition en soutien à France Soir - Non à la censure
⁣Message de France Soir :Signez et partagez la pétition ici :

Dear friends of France Soir,

Do you really want to live in a country where independent media togetherwith the right to express criticism towards people in power are beingsmothered?Do you want a media system obeying submissively and directed by ahandful of millionaires, a media system that depends on Statefunding ?

If the answer is no, then I am asking you to take action right now andto transfer this vido to all your contacts because our media is 100per cent free, self-reliant and independent.

FranceSoir is currently undergoing some very heavy pressure. What we arebeing blamed for is to have voiced a free and alternative speechduring this sanitary crisis.

Infact , before any other media we told some inconvenient truths loudand clear :

Medicaldoctors’ right to prescribe, which as you know is a fundamentalpillar of healthcare, the limitations in PCR tests, which give waytoo many false positive results as Dr Raoult said it countless times,the risks for ‘vulnerable children’ to be wearing masks, whichhas been acknowledged byu the Italian State Council, the lattergiving recently an exemption to such child.

The true origins of this pandemics and the very controversial part playedby the P4 lab in Wuhan, as now admitted by the very respectedWashington Post.Andalso the efficacy of some specific treatments against the COVIDdisease in its early stages such as vitamin D, Ivermectin, approvedby dozens of scientific studies

The damages caused by the lockdown and its very limited usefulness, whichhas also implicitly been confirmed by the refusal from EmmanuelMacron to implement another lockdown.

Formost of these topics, traditional media have been proving us right,or are starting to do so.

For example, addressing the issue of the Remdesivir drug, a veryexpensive treatment, we were the first media to speak up against thetoxic effects, the game of the Gilead pharmaceutical lab, thelightness of the European Medicines Agency.

We did so six months before the others.

And because we kept saying, before anyone else, these inconvenienttruths, we have suffered some huge pressure.

For example, the YouTube channel censored us during 10 days, and as aresult we were deprived of an essentila source of media coverage.Google and Facebook greatly reduced our visibility and thus, thisability to make information accessible to all. A cabal of mainstreammedia such as France Info, 20 minutes, Le Monde, Libération … evenstormed at us with the unbelievable allegation of being ‘conspiracytheorists’.

TheTMC channel even tried to attract France Soir’s manager, XavierAzalbert, into a trap, by leaving the camera on without him knowing,despite the facts that I was myself onsite in the studios, and thathe had not given his agreement for this.

And the cherry on the cake, on Jan 29th, Minister for culture Roselyne Bachelotrequested that the official certifcate be re-examined. The latter features France Soir as a media outlet.

TBC... rest of transcription coming soon for English speakers
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