Oracle Films | 2021 - A Brief Reflection
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Thank you for a memorable, albeit difficult year. Amidst the daily disarray and insanity, we’ve been gifted with meeting so many courageous and inspiring people.
And we’ll certainly be bringing our best efforts into 2022.
For now though, we wish you nothing but the very best Christmas and new year with your nearest and dearest.
Hug your loved ones. Live your life. Do not comply with anything that offends your being. And please remember you’re not alone.
Thanks and acknowledgement to:
CoviLeaks, The World Doctors Alliance, The World Freedom Alliance, Doctors for Covid Ethics, The Highwire, Children’s Health Defense, CHD Europe, The BIRD Group, Robin Monotti, Eric Clapton, David Kurten and The Heritage Party, Dr. Vernon Coleman, Fanos Panayides, Geert Vanden Bossche, Planet Lockdown, Question Everything, UK Column, Brand New Tube, Ickonic Media, Richie Allen, The British Nursing Alliance, Rebels on Roundabouts, The White Rose, The Light Paper, Jaclyn Dunne, World Wide Demonstration.
And everyone that has supported us and shared the content we’ve produced.
Love and gratitude.
- Oracle Films
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Thank you for a memorable, albeit difficult year. Amidst the daily disarray and insanity, we’ve been gifted with meeting so many courageous and inspiring people.
And we’ll certainly be bringing our best efforts into 2022.
For now though, we wish you nothing but the very best Christmas and new year with your nearest and dearest.
Hug your loved ones. Live your life. Do not comply with anything that offends your being. And please remember you’re not alone.
Thanks and acknowledgement to:
CoviLeaks, The World Doctors Alliance, The World Freedom Alliance, Doctors for Covid Ethics, The Highwire, Children’s Health Defense, CHD Europe, The BIRD Group, Robin Monotti, Eric Clapton, David Kurten and The Heritage Party, Dr. Vernon Coleman, Fanos Panayides, Geert Vanden Bossche, Planet Lockdown, Question Everything, UK Column, Brand New Tube, Ickonic Media, Richie Allen, The British Nursing Alliance, Rebels on Roundabouts, The White Rose, The Light Paper, Jaclyn Dunne, World Wide Demonstration.
And everyone that has supported us and shared the content we’ve produced.
Love and gratitude.
- Oracle Films