Dr. Jane Ruby | Athletes Collapsing Worldwide of Cardiac Arrest
2 years ago
⁣Athletes Collapsing Worldwide Bioweapon Sends Top Athletes Into Cardiac Arrest.
Around the world, athletes in their teens and early twenties, at the absolute peak of physical conditioning, are collapsing and even dropping dead. In the last couple months five European professional soccer players have had on-field health crises. A sports cardiologist told the Daily Mail last week that all these heart problems are a “coincidence.” All we’ll say is, it’s one of the longest lists of coincidences we’ve ever seen. Dr. Jane Ruby joins us to discuss. Stew Peters Show. December 13, 2021.

https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1161/circ.144.suppl_1.10712 - https://archive.md/mdKnl -


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Dr. Jane Ruby | Athletes Collapsing Worldwide of Cardiac Arrest

Dr. Jane Ruby, Athletes Collapsing Worldwide of Cardiac Arrest, Bioweapon, Stew Peters Show, December 13 2021
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