IMPORTANT: Sasek’s Warning to all free Educators – Beware of Corona-Strategists! |
3 years ago
⁣Today it is on my heart to warn all free investigative educators of a danger that is not so easy to see through. - Ivo Sasek, Founder of Kla.TV - ⁣

⁣Today it is on my heart to warn all free investigative educators of a danger that is not so easy to see through. The fact that the whole so-called Corona pandemic is one big worldwide fraud, I don't need to prove here again. The death lists throughout the world speak for themselves. They have long since proved in black and white that the biggest pandemic snowstorm of all time is only still missing the snow.
What is the danger that I am concerned about? It concerns the fact that those who staged this whole Covid world fraud are exactly the same ones who are right now first indebting the entire world community through forced lockdowns, then in apparent mercy saving them, only to finally expropriate them completely through compulsory levies. But that is not all: It is the self-same masterminds who are behind the introduction of a worldwide digital total surveillance with the purpose of a world dictatorship. We have to understand that. There are quite a few things coming together here. In other words, those who are staging the worldwide Covid story have set up a double bind.
With every move of the game therefore, they are able to remove their opponent’s game stones from the playing field – as long as – in this case - the betrayed world is not able to destroy their position of power with clever counter-moves.
Now I am going to explain how the Covid deceivers use their cunning construct very concretely in grey everyday life, so that they even instrumentalize best investigative educators for their purposes and their self-enrichment – while the free educators don’t even realize what they are being abused for.
That is why I am now trying to formulate my warning to all free investigative educators as precisely as possible: We free educators must always report with the full awareness that we have two knives at our throat.
The 1st knife would be - that if we simply approve and allow the recklessly planned, gene-altering Covid vaccination, we would not only hand over direct control of our health to Big-Pharma and their accomplices - metaphorically speaking we would also willingly lay our "corona", i.e. crown, at the feet of these world deceivers – in other words, our entire freedom. By doing so, we would directly create a precedent for their unlimited expansion of power, which of course is no option at all.

The 2nd knife at our throat would be: If we, free investigative educators just cry out with-out giving it a second thought, rightly of course warning loudly of this impending Covid-vaccination, we then have to be aware that we are supporting this masterplan, a master-plan that has meticulously been forecast in great detail as is well-known - by Rockefeller in 2008 and 2010, as well as, strangely enough, by the German Bundestag, etc. in written and even in comic-form. ( und This sinister sketch which is identical to the currently running masterplan, states that the whole Covid pandemic should last for at least three years entailing more worldwide lockdowns. In other words, this means that every free investigative educator who just warns one-sidedly against the dangerous Corona-vaccination is an absolutely welcome instrument in the hand of the corona strate-gists. Do you understand that? For at least three of their deliberately planned lockdowns are required to eventually expropriate the entire middle class of the world’s population. If a “salutary” vaccination was made available too early, their masterplan wouldn’t succeed any longer. One has to understand that.

But unfortunately, their masterplan goes even further than just the complete expropriation of the middle class. Ultimately, it is about the total digital control of every single citizen on earth. The threat of vaccinating seven billion people with extremely dangerous vaccines, is in fact, just a kind of strategic move. The Corona strategists of course know very well that they are frightening these seven billion people with their reckless vaccination threat and that they are shaking them up, even causing panic. This is exactly the intended purpose, we have to understand that. But it’s their least concern, that big-pharma would make their real big money through forced vaccinations. You know, the pharmaceuticals and their ac-complices are making their real big money right now, aren’t they? Through all those big speculations running in the background such as speculations on company crashes and similar highly criminal moves to plunder humanity. This made them already earn billions – no, I say trillions of Euros, dollars in the first Corona-months. Then the big money also flows through all the seized grants, through the expensive tests, through the trade in trillions of liters of disinfectants, gloves, masks, protective clothing, special drugs, safety outfits, pro-tective measures and thousands of other things. Compared with this trillion-coup happen-ing right now, the threatening forced vaccinations would just add a bit of loose cash.
So let me summarize what has been said so far:
As long as we free well-meaning investigative educators with the best of interest only warn one-sidedly, urging caution against vaccinations for example, we are doing exactly what the Corona-strategists have desired from the very beginning: They want a global financial crisis that will last for at least three years that is blamed on the Coronavirus. Why? I will ex-plain it again: Because this is exactly how these plutocrats can secure their monetary world domination, namely through forcing these lockdowns with the help of big-pharma-accomplices – so that they can get rid of all their really dangerous rivals, namely the entire middle class. By way of hypocritical care through state subsidies, they blind those ruined by the lockdown, all business owners, and precisely numb their potential resistance.
The whole middle class, and the rest of mankind anyway not only will lose their belongings through this insidiously enforced financial crisis, but all their ability to defend themselves as well. This is what has to be understood. Therefore, the first move would be to educate the middle class now, nothing else is more urgent.
But now, back to my warning addressed to all free investigative educators: If we only warn one-sidedly about the coming danger of forced vaccination, we will at best trigger the out-cry of the world’s population: “The main thing is: no vaccination!” Some of course want it. And if that happens “The main thing is: no vaccination!” this outcry would support the mas-terplan: The only way out would then be total digital surveillance as it is constantly being propagated, using precisely such surveillance-apps that currently are being and have al-ready been introduced, then followed by the chipping with the digital charagma in and un-der the skin of every citizen on earth. The 666 and the mark of the beast give their greet-ings. Therefore, please have a look at my other speeches on Kla.TV to complete the picture concerning this topic: ( und However, if we on the other hand only warn one-sidedly against this coming chipping through the charagma, the con-spirators will simply deliberately reverse the role and say: Well, if you don’t want that, let yourself be vaccinated by us… And then we would be facing this gene-altering world-threat again. These are the two knives at our throat. This is what their double-bind advantage in this world game looks like for now, unfortunately.
But what is the way out now? That’s what it’s all about here. How do we get these two knives off our throat without getting hurt? For us, free educators, I see only one possible way: Let us no longer report just one-sidedly in any single case anymore. Of course, we must continue to actively go against this risky vaccination, sure - but we shouldn’t separate this from the persistent stating of the total crime, i.e. not separate this from the disclosure of the overall plan! You see, the world community needs to be aware of the whole scenario planned. I will say it again in other words and summarize it: Whenever we warn about the vaccination problem, about forced vaccination etc. we should at the same time convey to our viewers or listeners what I have stated and am stating in this warning speech.

We should always emphasize that the forced vaccination is only one of the knives at the throat of the world’s population, that this knife only wants to maneuver us, like a goad, to where the second knife waits for us – namely to completely expropriate us through preced-ing endebtedness, compulsory levies and finally – and this is the entire planned end goal of the crisis makers: the enslavement of all peoples through the banning of cash and total digital surveillance. That’s what they are after, and every free investigative educator should keep this big picture before their eyes and weave it in every Corona education if possible. So, if you inform one-sidedly only or outside of the context of this recurrent theme, you un-fortunately will serve the wrong side all too easily – and surely unintentionally – as a wel-come instrument.

And now, finally, a warning to all of you Christians out there: Already more than 20 years ago, I urged about 10'000 of your preachers in writing to take part in protecting the world from this threat that has now come. But instead of coming to the information meeting, look-ing me straight in the eyes and clarifying all questions, concerns, doubts, etc. in detail, your leaders preferred to simply criticize me and drag me through the mud worldwide. Therefore, over all these years, almost none of you Christians have supported me. We had to start from scratch and under constant persecution. We first had to build the OCG as a basis to have committed co-workers. We then had to create the AZK, Kla.TV etc. as a viable re-sistance front. If YOU now find yourself in the middle of the final battle and suddenly join the waking crowds, taking part in rallies etc., this is of course a good thing at first. But I ask you now to please not use such big events for any kind of false piety and soul-catching. This would again only lead to these outdated endless divisions and possibly also incite all religious people, ideologues, politicians etc. who are also present there in harmony to sud-denly use the rallies as their "mission platform". You do not want that either. So all these awakened and wonderfully interacting people should undividedly form that powerful light front, as they already do and are, and otherwise we should renounce any high-handed missionary enthusiasm. So, Christians, please do not well-meaningly destroy this wonder-ful new unity in the awake people. All the righteous who selflessly take part in this struggle are already proving to be your brothers and sisters in the light! Understand this! Recognize them all as such and forget all conversion among the awakened people! Move together with them in the already existing unified peace, which is the surest sign of an essential connection to God. The most urgent good news that this world needs now is the birth of a globally united movement of light that will educate the masses strategically - that, in organic diversity, will spread light like the one I am communicating here. So any professing Chris-tian who misuses the hour of this global crisis for soul-catching, thereby possibly weaken-ing the synergies among all these fine free enlighteners, is, in my view, no better than any soldier who takes advantage of the weaknesses of war to rob, plunder, rape weak women and all that sort of stuff.
Therefore, undividedly inform the middle class about the whole Corona world deception, then in a united effort, inform all the other still ignorant mainstream victims, as much as you can. Together with all the awakened investigative educators, be now the current light and salt for this world - please keep everything else in your churches and congregations. And all the other investigative educators with their circles, parties, sects and the like, please do the same.
I am Ivo Sasek, who has been standing before God for 43 years.
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