The Internet of Bodies | WiFi medical devices - WEF
3 years ago
⁣Implanted, swallowed, or worn, the internet of bodies, WiFi medical devices put inside our bodies.

Is the future of health care about injecting, implanting by surgery, or you swallowing or wearing sensors? This madcap scheme is known, to the World Economic Forum, as the Internat of Bodies. It is about turning your body into a WiFi antennae and transmitter that sends out data constantly. Do you want to become a Personal Area Network, or a Body Area Network - a body with a WiFi transmitter inside, or would you rather remain a human being? You can choose.

You will be sold the idea of using these sensors as a medical benefit, that is convenient to you and your doctors. The device, you will be told, will alert medical staff to the early signs of a medical condition, which they will say, may save your life. But, they aren't giving you the full picture, and we are already moving towards this scenario because people keep buying consumer versions of these sensor products.

The use of these technologies has started already because people are wearing watches and external sensors paired with cell 'phones that allegedly evaluate aspects of our sleep and cardiovascular functioning, and these devices can be constantly connected to the Internet via WiFi or a cell network. Where is that data going? To whom? How long is it being strored? Who accesses it? Where is this technology going to be in 5 years? What will it enable other people to do to our bodies, remotely? This video will introduce you to the Internet of Bodies, and more information is available in the resources below.

Sources and Resources: [1] Headlines with a Voice:[2] The WEF original article:[3] More in-depth article with examples:
[4] Read the full briefing paper:
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