Bull's Eye November 30 Astro-Sound Bite Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
3 years ago
www.soundworksbygehl.com Today’s Astro-Sound Bite is drawn up for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (FMLE) at 4:29 AM EST Nov. 30. The full moon at 8 Gemini makes an exact conjunction with the US Chart’s Uranus at 8 Gemini. This degree symbolizes an archer with a quiver full of arrows, lining up to send a message clear and strong that hits its mark. Eclipses bring accelerated change, and Uranus is the planet of change and liberation, which also rules social progress and “the people”. The Sabian symbol for the sun at 8 Sagittarius reads “a mother leads her small child step by step up the stairs”. This is about guidance being provided to those who are just starting out on a path by those who are further along in the process. The moon forms a quincunx to Venus at 10 Scorpio, and this symbol refers to a drowning person being rescued. Just when things look as though they are utterly hopeless help shows up, and life is given a second chance. Mercury, the ruler of this full moon occupies 27 Scorpio, making an exact sextile to the US Chart’s Pluto at 27 Capricorn. Mercury’s symbol reads “The king of the faeries approaching his domain”. Domain is the key word in this symbol, and of course refers to taking ownership of territory, or rulership, and Pluto’s energy teaches us how to use power wisely. When it’s activated by a transit, there will be lessons around this issue, and any abuse of power will be utterly exposed and destroyed so that the rebuilding phase can begin. With the US chart’s Pluto in Capricorn, anyone taking power must have integrity (Capricorn). Since Pluto governs what exists underground, and intensifies power struggles, this FMLE will more than likely reveal what has been hidden from the people, and who has been abusing their positions of power. #astrology #sound #healing #vibrational #tuning #astrosound #planets #daily #guidance #align #sun #moon #venus #mercury #uranus #pluto
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