PART 3 - The Qur'aan in Light of Our World Today
2 years ago
Webinar conducted on 15th December 2021 by Dr Faiez Kirsten


In a time where the world is filled with corruption,
confusion and deception. Alghamdulillah, it's great that webinars with
presentations like these exist, breaking
down and explaining, in an understandable manner, the means of operation of the
evil entities of the world, and bringing to light what Allah Almighty has said
and instructed in relation to these lssues, within the Qur'an. A must see for
especially Muslims, and even more so for the Ulama who have yet to come to
terms with the actual state of the world.

I would like to acknowledge that the presentation was a
great eye opener for me within both my Islamic and secular perspectives which
told a narrative I strongly agree with. I like the wholistic and realistic way
you were able to answer my questions telling me exactly what I needed to hear.
I cannot emphasise more the importance of understanding and implementing the
“how to NOT associate partners with AllaaH” message you delivered in this
presentation because we might not even realise Muslim or not, we may be
associating partners with AllaaH by the traps satan has us in consciously or
subconsciously. No doubt the implementation of the knowledge presented is
crucial to freeing oneself of the satanic jurisdiction and moving into divine
jurisdiction. Shukran for the needed reminder

Thanks for affording my the opportunity to participate
attend your most important informative enlightening discourse via your Webinar
Presentation it was definitely beneficial to all attendees and we hope that you
continue with your good works and your reach more and more of us In Shaa Allaah
Jazaak Allaah Khayr

Shukran for the webinar last night. It was quite
informative, relevant, precise & backed up with Quranic verses. I would
recommend it especially to our Ulama & leaders in the Muslim Ummah. Mariam
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