First Freedom Rally in Aylmer Ontario Canada - hosted by Kimberly Neudorf
3 years ago
⁣With 2 days notice I had 300 people drop what they were doing and come to our small town Aylmer Ontario Canada to have our very own Freedom Rally. It was a great success and I cannot underestimate how encouraging it was for everyone there and everyone that will be joining us next time.

You can see at the beginning we had a few people strongly disagreeing with our gathering and what we had to say but so many more people were thankful that this happened here and said it was high time - it was! It was long overdue but finally here we are.

I want to thank 100 Million Moms especially for giving me the support I need in order to know how to put something like this together legally and effectively. We made this a family event and will continue to make it that way for freedom loving people that have had enough and know that they can and must be able to live freely.

We were all there to support our Constitution and to uphold our individual fundamental freedoms and responsibilities. Government is acting illegally and we will not tolerate it anymore. Government has NO AUTHORITY over family life, over church sovereignty, where I sing, if I stand, if I sit, who I meet, what I wear, what I read. Government is not our doctor, teacher, parent, or saviour. We have had enough! Medical freedom is one of the fundamental individual rights that we all have and our right to choose how to take care of our health is ours and government has no business or legal authority over what to prescribe or what to do or what to wear concerning our health. That is OUR INDIVIDUAL decision. And government can BACK OFF.

Hope you all are ready for the next Freedom Rally in Aylmer! Will be announced soon! 😃 Thanks to all who came out. If 300 people can come in 2 days notice that means there are a lot of freedom minded people who are ready to defend our God given individual rights and freedoms. Anyone looking to support Rocco Galati as we sue the government please make a donation at the Constitutional Rights Centre DOT ca There are also many valuable resources there for you! Stay Free and See you All Soon!!!
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