Before Pandemic Even ARRIVED They Were Plotting The Vaccines REDACTED J&J EMAIL!
3 years ago
⁣An email from J and J to Dr Fraud-ci dated FEB 2020 BEFORE THEY HAD EVEN ANNOUNCED A PANDEMIC, when we were all still being told it was nothing to worry about, when they kept our BORDERS OPEN, they were plotting the vaccine! This HEAVILY REDACTED EMAIL PROVES IT. They had no intention of trying to treat it... before it even arrived they were plotting VACCINES! If this isn't a smoking gun I don't know what is. And J and J are British so the UK Gov knew all about it too!! Bastards! Explain this BORIS JOHNSON how even before you even admitted it was a problem you were already planning the vaccines before it even arrived here in the UK... when you wouldn't close our borders you were plotting vaccines!! WE WANT ALL OFF THE CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN THE GOV, THE VACCINE COMPANIES AND FAUCI
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