#VictururLibertas, #MarkOfTheBeast, #ExposeTheAgenda, #ExposeFauci, #ExposeBillGates

Will You Accept the Mark of the Beast

355 Views - Published on 23 Aug, 2020
⁣They are testing our resolve in this social experiment. You're not going to like their next move. What will You do (Evil Think Tank Medical Community)
Our Story – At the end of Feb/ beginning of March 2018, YouTube Terminated our main channel without cause giving us 3 strikes within 24 hours.
We had no recourse to dispute the violations which were based on 3 videos from 2016. They stated we violated Community Guidelines by bullying and harassing. You can watch those 3 videos here on BitChute https://www.bitchute.com/video/Fgz3i06e3g4U/
The Outcome - We lost 70,000 Subscribers, 1,100 videos and approximately $2000 per month in ad revenue that day.
After months of appeals, while other channels were being reinstated, ours never was and is still terminated till this day. So, we started rebuilding from scratch and worked our back up channel VLTV.
We were growing very quickly however, when we were just shy of 30,000 subscribers, they started unsubbing folks and shadow-banning the entire channel (not just specific videos).
Coincidently, holding us under 30,000 subscribers disqualifies us from YouTube’s Paid Subscriber Program which allows subscribers to support our work directly through YouTube… Seems a bit suspicious, doesn’t it?
Angie and I work very hard across several platforms, conducting interviews and providing daily reports. Our compensation for our effort is quite negligible. We would love to serve people full time but we are not independently wealthy so we do need to generate an income.
We are not looking to get rich --- We just want to continue doing what we love and position ourselves to be able to pay our bills and prepare for retirement.
Angel Realm

Angel Realm

16 K
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