These vaccines are unlikely to completely sterilize a population!!
3 years ago
⁣These vaccines are unlikely to completely sterilize a population. Professor Sir John Bell- SAGE.
⁣The vaccine contains a spike protein called syncytin-1, vital for the formation of human placenta in women. It is also in the male sperm, Syncytin and its receptor are present in human gametes [Gametes are an organism’s reproductive cells. They are also referred to as sex cells. Female gametes are called ova or egg cells, and male gametes are called sperm] localization and temporal appearance is consistent with a possible role in fusion between female egg cells and sperm. If the vaccine works so that we form an immune response AGAINST the spike protein, we are also training the female body to attack syncytin-1, and in men which would cause the male sperm to not fuse with the female egg cells, which could lead to infertility in women and men of an unspecified duration.
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