Dec29th Canberra Australia Fire at Old Parliament House First Nations Protest
⁣Dec29th Canberra Australia Fire at Old Parliament House First Nations Protest


Joel Jammal

People are here from Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane so far

Canberra Old Parliament House. We will be here tomorrow and the next day and the next day until the job is done.
Join us!!!

First Nations are taking back parliament.
Uncle Bruce got kidnapped by the corporations agents but was released once served and pressured. Then parliament was served and so Scomo and all his puppets have 21 days to hand over the keys to the rightful owners"

The criminal corporation posing as 'the authorities' here in The Sovereign First Nations have been getting away with bloody murder and covert and overt genocide for far too long. 233 years of genocide here is ENOUGH!! It's time for We the People to stand with full respect and support for The Original Sovereign First Nations People and Land as together we restore the real law. Divine and Natural law for the genuine protection, real world freedom and peace of ALL people, and our living Earth.

We have declared ourselves a party to our People's Treaty here:

And we're also working with our local Original Sovereigns through our People's Peace Alliance to restore the real law, evict the criminal corporations and those that control them, who have laid false claim to authority over 'We the People' and this sacred First Nations Land.
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