We are at WAR with the DEVIL! - a Natter with Nick -Unwashed SCUM Media
2 years ago
Mirrored from "Correct Not Political@JIMBOOBEH" ---> ⁣https://youtu.be/vOL6Gqjc3Og
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 Rogersings NWO News! Avatar
Rogersings NWO News! - 2 years ago
Mirrored from "Correct Not Political@JIMBOOBEH" ---> ⁣https://youtu.be/vOL6Gqjc3Og This a good chat with two young men who know what is going on in the world ... We are at War with the Devil. It is encouragin to listen to these two young men questioning the Official Narratives ... This is what everyone should be doing. This is refreshing to hear and it is good to know there are young ones who can carry on the gospel and the war against the world, the flesh and the Devil. The truth is a person - Jesus. - John 14:6 The pessimist guy did bring up a good point ... that chopping up a Nation into local or regional areas that refuse to go along with the Globalist agenda is a WIN for the Globalist plan ... because it divides and destroys a Nation, like a Divorce ... and therefore it abandons the God given sanctity, blessings and protection of God toward a Nation. I don't think they understand Technocracy and how this is way that the NWO Government is going to TAKE over the world. I have thoroughly enjoyed your conversation. You touched on EVERY point my husband and I talk about. Jesus is the only way and He alone is gonna come sort out this wickedness...in the meantime we continue to try and spread the Gospel and wake people up to the sign of the Times. God bless you both. Blessings and Maranatha.🙏