Does 5G radiation intensify illness related to the corona virus? |
3 years ago
⁣Due to the very rapid worldwide spread of coronavirus related illnesses, the question arises as to the possible causes. There is research that shows that mobile phone radiation leads to a weakening of the immune system and thus to an increased frequency of infection. Back in April, 2020 a study was published that investigated the question of whether regions with increased 5G radiation were seeing more cases of coronavirus connected illness. See for yourself! - ⁣

Due to the very rapid worldwide spread of illnesses related to the coronavirus, the question arises as to the possible causes. Already on April 6th, 2020, German doctors of environmental medicine, together with Dr. Joachim Mutter, well-known specialist for environmental medicine, as well as Professor Dr. Karl Hecht, published an open letter to Chancellor Angela Merkel and various other politicians on this question. They wrote:

“Apart from the degree of contagiousness of the virus, the susceptibility of the ‘host’ plays a major role, this means concretely, how well the immune system works and whether specific virus antibodies are missing or have already been formed. […]
According to the assessment of many industry-independent experts, pulsed high-frequency technology is now regarded as a contributory cause of many of today's health problems. […] Influences of high-frequency signals on the immune system have also been detected, for example infection accumulations near transmitting stations.”

For access to the complete text, click the link below (in German).

It should be noted that there is research showing that mobile phone radiation leads to a weakening of the immune system and thus to an increased frequency of infection. This in turn can lead to an increased incidence of corona virus illnesses, for example.
A Spanish biologist named Bartomeu Payeras Cifre published a study back in April 2020 that investigated whether regions with increased 5G radiation were affected by corona virus.

Bartomeu Payeras Cifre is a biologist specialized in microbiology who works at the University of Barcelona and has published several research papers. The study has benefited from the official Corona pandemic data published daily.
The method used was to compare the number of cases of corona virus infection per 1,000 inhabitants between countries with and without 5G technology.
Among other things, he also compared between regions in the same country with and without 5G technology and between cities in the same country with and without 5G technology.
For example, he examined figures from the following countries or cities: San Marino, Italy, Spain, Barcelona, Madrid.
The complete study is available under the following link.

Here is an exerpt from the results of the study:
- “The results obtained show a clear and close relationship between corona virus infection rate and 5G antenna site [...]
- The 'frontier effect' is significant, archetypal and unique in this pandemic. It shows clear differences between neighboring countries with and without 5G installations. It is particularly significant that the countries bordering on China have very low infection rates. This effect can also be seen in the comparison between Mexico and the USA or between Portugal and Spain, etc.

- The case of San Marino is of particular importance. It was the first state in the world to install 5G. And thus the state whose citizens were exposed to 5G radiation for the longest time – and suspiciously (one of) the first states in the world to be infected.

- It is very significant that on the African continent with scarce health resources but without 5G, the infection rate is very low, with the exception of some antennas in South Africa, which has also the highest infection rates in Africa.”

Ladies and gentlemen, in view of this explosive study, which has established a link between 5G radiation and corona virus related illness, politicians and health authorities are now called upon to take further action.

To protect the population, all external influences that can weaken the immune system and make people susceptible to corona virus related sicknesses should be stopped immediately.
A weakening of the immune system can be triggered not only by mobile phone radiation, but also by other factors such as environmental pollution or the wrong diet.
This is why the physicians for environmental medicine also demand a stop of 5G and termination of the omnipresent forced irradiation of the population! Only when this is enforced by the responsible politicians and health authorities will it become clear that there is a real interest to protect the population from diseases!


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